El Niño Watch Has Been Issued By NOAA, With Large-Scale Atmospheric And Oceanic Changes Now Being Detected As We Head For The Next ENSO Phase
https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/el-nino-watch-noaa-forecast-seasonal-weather-impact-summer-winter-united-states-canada-europe-fa/ <-- shared article
El Niño Watch Issued By NOAA's Climate Prediction Center
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/el-nino-watch-issued-noaa-climate-prediction-weather/ <-- shared media article
El Niño Disrupts the Marine Food Web
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/86895/el-nino-disrupts-the-marine-food-web <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #global #marine #extremeweather #elnino #elniño #ecosystems #remotesensing #climate #climateprediction #weather #climaterisk ##ElNinoWatch #ecosystem #currents #cooling #warming #water #thermocline #nutrients #foodsupply #foodweb #MODIS #drought #hurricanes #SouthernOscillation
NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | NOAA National Ocean Service | NOAA Fisheries##
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #global #marine #extremeweather #ElNino #ecosystems #remotesensing #climate #climateprediction #weather #ClimateRisk #elninowatch #ecosystem #currents #cooling #warming #water #thermocline #nutrients #foodsupply #foodweb #modis #drought #hurricanes #southernoscillation
The headline has it backwards.
It is precisely because education is so low cost that it's the COLLEGE that's obsolete.
>Bloated College Administration Is Making Education Unaffordable - https://quillette.com/2022/11/02/bloated-college-administration-is-making-education-unaffordable/