Balzi Rossi: davanti alla sezione con i livelli musteriani del Riparo Bombrini per il prelievo dei campioni da analizzare in #thermoluminescence #prehistory #archaeology #archeoliguria #lamialiguria #paleolithic
#thermoluminescence #prehistory #archaeology #archeoliguria #lamialiguria #paleolithic
Sampling the #Paleolithic deposits at the site of via San Francesco in #Sanremo for #Thermoluminescence dating and #soil characterization, with an international team, University of Genoa, Milan and Max Planck Institut
#paleolithic #sanremo #thermoluminescence #soil
Tomorrow I will spend my day in Western #Liguria, looking for various kinds of archaeological traces left by our ancestors from the #Paleolithic, together with an international team from the universities of #Genoa and #Montreal. Call me lucky!
#Archaeology #BeforeModernTimes #Thermoluminescence #Prehistory
#montreal #archaeology #beforemoderntimes #thermoluminescence #prehistory #liguria #paleolithic #genoa