#EclecticCarnival #ECPL20230527 2 Beach
The Beach Land - #TheSadies [Cdn]
BC https://TheSadies.bandcamp.com/track/the-beach-land
YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0Uq-ikaieE
Ma-Me-O-Beach - #JoanArmatrading
Beach Side Property - #ModestMouse
Up The Beach - #JanesAddiction (Jane's Addiction)
Pebble Beach - #VinceGuaraldiTrio
#vinceguaralditrio #janesaddiction #modestmouse #joanarmatrading #thesadies #ecpl20230527 #eclecticcarnival
#EclecticCarnival #ECPL20230429 7 #Water
I Am Water - #JulyTalk [Cdn]
BC https://julytalk.bandcamp.com/track/i-am-water-2
YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IjDiCXVOoY
Fish Out Of Water - #TheFables [Cdn]
Where The Sweet Waters Flow - #MurrayMcLauchlan [Cdn]
Cold Water Castle - #Valdy And #TheHometownBand [Cdn]
Food, Water, Etc. - #TheSadies [Cdn]
BC https://thesadies.bandcamp.com/track/food-water-etc
YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dRRRBzuAnQ
#thesadies #thehometownband #valdy #murraymclauchlan #thefables #julytalk #Water #ecpl20230429 #eclecticcarnival
#EclecticCarnival #ECPL20230422 4 #EarthDay
Red Earth - #CrashVegas [Cdn]
Last Days On Earth - #TearsForFears
How On Earth - #RonSexsmith [Cdn]
Revolution Earth - #TheB52s (The B-52's)
Mother Of Earth - #TheSadies [Cdn]
BC https://thesadies.bandcamp.com/track/mother-of-earth
YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljJ3SshSBhw
#thesadies #theb52s #ronsexsmith #tearsforfears #crashvegas #EarthDay #ecpl20230422 #eclecticcarnival
My new obsession, i think, is this band and every song they ever made. Starting with this one #TheSadies
today's listen...
In the end I was the mean girl,
Or somebody's in-between girl
Now it's the devil I love,
And it's as funny as real love
(...it's not a secret that i have a thing for redheads)
#music #nekocase #thesadies #altcountry
Hold On, Hold On
#NekoCase with #theSadies featuring #DallasGood #RIP
“The most tender place in my heart is for strangers
I know it's unkind, but my own blood is much too dangerous”
#nekocase #thesadies #dallasgood #rip
Aww. I missed this news on Dallas Good earlier this year. 😞 I saw The Sadies play a few times and he was larger than life.
I somehow completely missed the Sadies over the last 20 years. Had honestly never heard of them until Dallas died last year. Was blown away by Travis Good's playing with Yo La Tengo last week so want to figure out where to dig in. Recommendations?
(I got Favorite Colours on Bandcamp since they played "A Good Flying Day" last week, and I like it but it's not blowing me away. The Robyn Hitchcock cameo at the end was a pleasant surprise!)
#thesadies #music #recommendations #please
Tengo que ponerme con la guitarra pero YA. En 2023 me tengo que ir de gira con #TheSadies. :toot:
#TeenageFanclub #PowerPop #Indie #AltRock
#AltRock #indie #powerpop #teenagefanclub #thesadies
#yolatengo, #hanukkah night 5 at bowery ballroom. a vibed-out evening, building slowly from instrumental openers, joined for most by travis good of #thesadies on guitar, excellent foil to ira on 2-guitar jams & adding elegant color everywhere, like a frayed/fuzzed canadian dave schramm. "seasonal" songs by dylan, richman, c. king, & p. revere & the raiders. thoroughly enjoyed the guitar/bass weave of #horsegirl, too, whose music i didn't know & will now seek out. setlist: http://www.jessejarnow.com/2022/12/yo-la-tengo-hanukkah-2022-night-5-setlist/
#yolatengo #hanukkah #thesadies #horsegirl
En un rato, #TheSadies, minus Dallas Good :blobcatcry2: The show must go on.
#RockNRoll #psychedelia #americana
#rocknroll #thesadies #americana #psychedelia
Very sad to hear today the news of the death of the amazingly-talented Dallas Good of The Sadies. A real loss to the music world and to everyone who was lucky enough to know and love the music of The Sadies.
Very sad to hear today the news of the death of the amazingly-talented Dallas Good of The Sadies. A real loss to the music world and to everyone who was lucky enough to know and love the music of The Sadies.