#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#TheBigDoorPrize 📅
#EvaTheOwlet 📅
#Tetris 📅
#CarpoolKaraoke ⏳
#Extrapolations ⏳
#HelloTomorrow ⏳
#MyKindOfCountry ⏳
#TheProblem ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#Liaison 🎉
📅 Premiere ⏳ Ongoing 🎉 Finale
New premieres:
#BigBeasts: Apr 21
#TheAfterparty S2: Jul 12
#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon: Oct 6 in theaters
Filming soon:
Dev news:
#TheSavant ordered
#ForAllMankind S5
#LouGehrig series
3 in #TheInstigators
#KieuChinh in #SinkingSpring
#sinkingspring #kieuchinh #theinstigators #lougehrig #ForAllMankind #ferrari #thesavant #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #TheAfterparty #bigbeasts #liaison #tedlasso #theproblem #mykindofcountry #hellotomorrow #extrapolations #carpoolkaraoke #tetris #evatheowlet #thebigdoorprize #appletvplus
The Savant: Jessica Chastain in neuer Miniserie bei Apple TV+ #TheSavant
The Savant - Ordered to Series by AppleTV - Jessica Chastain to Star
#SÉRIE 📺 | #AppleTVPlus commande #TheSavant, mini-série en 8 épisodes portée par Jessica Chastain.
Inspirée d’une histoire vraie publiée dans Cosmopolitan, elle suivra une mère de famille qui infiltre des groupes haineux sur le web.
Tournage en juin.
➡️ https://deadline.com/2023/03/jessica-chastain-to-star-in-limited-series-the-savant-for-apple-1235309961/
#serie #appletvplus #thesavant
AppleTV+ Orders 8 Episodes of Limited Series "The Savant" Starring Academy Award Winner Jessica Chastain
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/03/apple-orders-limited-the-savant.html #TheSavant #Apple #AppleTV #AppleTVPlus
#appletvplus #appletv #Apple #thesavant
#AppleTVPlus has ordered #TheSavant, set to star #JessicaChastain.
The limited series is inspired by a true story published in #Cosmopolitan about a mom who secretly works to stop mass shootings.
The series is set to begin filming in June.
#cosmopolitan #jessicachastain #thesavant #appletvplus