Just watched the season (three) finale of #TheSecretOfSkinwalkerRanch ... Another clip show (I understand they wanna push the "werewolves and wormholes" stuff to get ratings, but if there is truly some sort of electromagnetic anomaly above the ranch, then that is actually worth further investigation) #TheStrangestThingsSoFar
#thesecretofskinwalkerranch #thestrangestthingssofar
TV TONIGHT (June 13)
#AmySchumer #RHONJ #LHHATL #HIMYF #AGT #BeatShazam #DeadliestCatch #SupermarketStakeout #CustomerWars #WWENXT #StanleyCupFinal #MLB #BodyCam #WindyCityRehab #TheSecretOfSkinwalkerRanch #7LittleJohnstons #TheUltimateFighter
#theultimatefighter #7littlejohnstons #thesecretofskinwalkerranch #windycityrehab #bodycam #mlb #stanleycupfinal #WWENXT #customerwars #supermarketstakeout #deadliestcatch #beatshazam #AGT #HIMYF #LHHATL #RHONJ #amyschumer
TV TONIGHT (April 18)
#DeadliestCatch #TheSecretOfSkinwalkerRanch #7LittleJohnstons #AmericanAuto #EvilLivesHere #SuperchefGrudgeMatch #AlexBorstein #HowToGetRich #LongestThirdDate #TheRookie #911LoneStar #Catfish #Renovation911 #NeighborhoodWars
#neighborhoodwars #renovation911 #catfish #911LoneStar #therookie #longestthirddate #howtogetrich #alexborstein #superchefgrudgematch #evilliveshere #AmericanAuto #7littlejohnstons #thesecretofskinwalkerranch #deadliestcatch
I have watched the third #season of The Secret of #Skinwalker Ranch and I am puzzled. Another show in the #Uinta basin region with the same #phenomena is The #Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch.
#season #skinwalker #uinta #phenomena #mystery #thesecretofskinwalkerranch #themysteryatblindfrogranch #uintabasin
I can't tell you if it's real but I dig this #show: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_of_Skinwalker_Ranch
It's one of the rare #tv #series I'm looking forward for the next episodes.
#skinwalker #TheSecretOfSkinwalkerRanch #uap #ufo #paranormal #HistoryChannel #strange
#show #tv #series #skinwalker #thesecretofskinwalkerranch #uap #ufo #paranormal #historychannel #strange