74 years ago:
The Set-Up (US)
Expecting the usual loss, a boxing manager takes bribes from a betting gangster without telling his fighter.
#TheSetUp #RobertWise #RobertRyan #AudreyTotter #GeorgeTobias #RKO #Film
#thesetup #robertwise #robertryan #audreytotter #georgetobias #rko #film
#RobertWise creates a smoke-filled, sleazy, unglamorous, two-bit boxing noir. Amazingly shot by Milton Krasner. Unstylized fight scenes are crazy intense, no wonder Scorsese is a big fan. There’s joy and misery of seeing fellow meatballs battling it out, where paying spectators chant "KILL HIM!" #RobertRyan slogs through a hellish fight, then being subject to the fury of the gang. Just how much of this can a man take? A great tight noir. #thesetup #filmnoir #georgebellows
#robertwise #robertryan #thesetup #filmnoir #georgebellows
Today's film noir is The Set-Up (1949), in which Robert Ryan plays a washed up boxer who runs afoul of gangsters when he refuses to throw a fight. #TheSetUp #FilmNoir #Noirvember
#thesetup #filmnoir #noirvember