I wish more #podcasts and #audiodramas did previous season recap like #TheSiltVerses
#podcasts #audiodramas #thesiltverses
Sweet Jolly Crunchtooth, a corporate-made harvest deity from the Silt Verses.
๐ง @superhumanfoods - Kale Brown
ADHD, agender. they/them. Antifascist. Creator of SINKHOLE podcast. Writer, director, voice actor, and sound designer.
๐ญ @fableandfolly - Fable and Folly
Fable and Folly is an audio fiction podcast publisher and international network. Telling the stories we need to thrive.
๐ญ @monkeymanproductions - Monkeyman Productions
Making #AudioFiction - including Moonbase Theta, Out and MonkeyTales! We support marginalized voices. Tweets by Deej (they/them).
๐ง @sassylich - b. narr
queer voice actor & horror writer | find me in #TheSiltVerses, #TinyTerrors, #TheWaystation, #TheMadnessOfChartrulean, #WGC podcasts, & more!
i'm on a few other mastodon servers, but right now i'm most active on this one!
#AudioFiction #thesiltverses #tinyterrors #thewaystation #themadnessofchartrulean #wgc #followfriday #audiodrama #fictionpodcast
#AudioFiction Individual accounts - Content creator (includes narrators, producers, editors too!)
Christiana Ellis - @christianaellis Engineer / Writer / Podcaster / Dungeon Master / Cookie Eater / Dream Haver
Kale Brown - @superhumanfoods ADHD, agender. they/them. Antifascist. Creator of SINKHOLE podcast. Writer, director, voice actor, and sound designer.
b. narr - @sassylich queer voice actor & horror writer | find me in #TheSiltVerses, #TinyTerrors, #TheWaystation, #TheMadnessOfChartrulean, #WGC podcasts, & more!
Minty Lee - @Sensibleshroom Creator of the Serpent Under My Skin, an upcoming trans led audio drama! He/Him pronouns, please and thank you.
Jeremy Ellett - @ourstrangedays Writer | Sound Designer | Fiction Podcast Producer || Realm Network || The Subjective Truth | The One Stars | Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason || Also an avid collector of dust.
#AudioFiction #thesiltverses #tinyterrors #thewaystation #themadnessofchartrulean #wgc
I still have #MagnusPod brain rot but here's other shows that sneaked into my listening this week
#OldGodsOfAppalachia with cameos from Mx Wellman from HFTH and Harlan from Malevolent!
#audiodramasunday #MagnusPod #HelloFromTheHallowoods #oldgodsofappalachia #shadowsatthedoor #thesiltverses
Apparently introductory posts are the way to go for meeting new friends, so let's go!
Hi, I'm Ina, or Voyager, if I feel like it. I'm a #queer #nonbinary #librarian from Germany. Also a #NorsePagan (I specifically work with #Loki, #Freyr, #Thor and to a lesser extent #Sigyn). I love #bunnies, #dnd, #podcasts, #fantasy, #scifi, #space, #science, #videogames, #nature, #libraries, and many other things. Sometimes I'm an #author, albeit not particularly interested in publishing.
Misc info I didn't know where else to fit in: I'm #ChronicallyIll and #neurodivergent. Politically I'm closest to #ecosocialism. I support #LandBack, #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #PrisonAboliton, #PoliceAbolition. I strongly believe in #equality, #DisabilityJustice, #ClimateRestoration, #FatLiberation, #SWRights.
Frequently featured other topics are #politics, queer stuff, #ChronicIllness, #MentalHealth, #accessibility, #inclusivity.
"Media I like" section ahead! To find fellow fans and give you an idea of my tastes :)
Podcasts: #CriticalRole, #TheMagnusArchive, #TheStrahdcast, #TheSiltVerses
Books: #StormlightArchive, #TheLockedTomb, #Witcher
Videogames: #DragonAge, #MassEffect, #Witcher3, #PathfinderKingmaker, #HorizonZeroDawn
That's all I can think about for now! I hope I can connect with some cool folks!
#queer #nonbinary #librarian #norsepagan #loki #freyr #thor #sigyn #bunnies #dnd #podcasts #fantasy #scifi #space #science #videogames #nature #libraries #author #chronicallyill #neurodivergent #ecosocialism #landback #blacklivesmatter #metoo #prisonaboliton #policeabolition #equality #DisabilityJustice #climaterestoration #FatLiberation #swrights #politics #chronicillness #mentalhealth #accessibility #inclusivity #criticalrole #themagnusarchive #thestrahdcast #thesiltverses #StormlightArchive #TheLockedTomb #Witcher #dragonage #masseffect #witcher3 #pathfinderkingmaker #horizonzerodawn
I also made art of my Project Sparrow character! #LARP #TheSiltVerses #LAOG
So... I made a Youtube video reenacting a pivotal moment from my Project Sparrow character's arc. Behold the hallowing of Support Saint Au!
#LARP #TheSiltVerses #LAOG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C57aiwXvmEw
Just caught up with #TheSiltVerses and holy *shit*, what an ending!!!
I am heartbroken and I am shaking my fist at Faulkner, the little turd!!! AAAAAAAAAAA
But for real it was great.
If you're looking for a new audio drama, give this one a try.
#Podcast #AudioDrama #TSV #InMyFeelingsOverThisShow #Horror #WeirdFiction
#thesiltverses #podcast #audiodrama #tsv #inmyfeelingsoverthisshow #horror #weirdfiction
Things that interest me, but aren't in my profile:
#books & #Reading (any genre except true crime. I'm always taking recommendations, please!)
#podcasts ( #mbmbam #TheSiltVerses #TheAmeliaProject #HeyRiddleRiddle #WoodenOvercoats #LoudAndBrown)
#npr (I know I have a problem, it's fine!)
I'm newly diagnosed with #AdultADHD so any tips and tricks there are dope too.
I am the #TechSupport of most of my friend groups.
#techsupport #adultadhd #npr #loudandbrown #woodenovercoats #heyriddleriddle #theameliaproject #thesiltverses #mbmbam #podcasts #reading #books #spookyart #bipocArt