@EpiphanicSynchronicity Yes: more attention has been paid to the “gotcha” moment than to the overall tone of #TheSixthSense, which rewards rewatching even after you know the film’s “secret.”
That said: the 90’s was the era of the “gotcha moment” in cinema, right? Remember #TheCryingGame? Good times.
Remembering #RichardDonner (1930-2021), the versatile film and television director, producer and writer, born in New York #OnThisDay. He enjoyed huge commercial hits with #TheOmen (1976), #Superman (1978) and the Lethal Weapon films (1987-1998), though did some of his best work for television- including six episodes of #TheTwilightZone (1963-64), #TheFugitive (1966), #TheSixthSense, #GhostStory (both 1972) and #TalesFromTheCrypt (1989-92).
#richarddonner #OnThisDay #theomen #superman #thetwilightzone #thefugitive #thesixthsense #ghoststory #talesfromthecrypt #bornonthisday #botd #otd
51 years ago today:
The Sixth Sense
S1E13: Face of Ice
Airdate: 1972-04-22
#TheSixthSense #ABC #TV
Happy birthday Bruce #Willis despite your health problems. You were and still are a permanent cinematic companion in my life. Not to forget (The Return of) #Bruno. 🥂🎂
#Moonlighting #DieHard #Pulp Fiction #12Monkeys #TheFifthElement #TheSixthSense #Unbreakable
All the best!🙏
#unbreakable #thesixthsense #thefifthelement #12monkeys #pulp #diehard #moonlighting #bruno #willis
What is your favorite #MNightShyamalan movie and is it #Unbreakable or #TheSixthSense?
I feel like everything since has been a quest to guess the the twist, which grew tiresome quickly. 😒
#mnightshyamalan #unbreakable #thesixthsense
@Michelangela @ABwersonst ich hab ihm tatsächlich erst durch #StirbLangsam kennengelernt
Model und Schnüffler kam erst später
Aber mein absoluter Lieblingsfilm von ihm ist #thesixthsense
Pick one.
Feel free to share any other M. Night Shyamalan movies you enjoy. #MNightShyamalan
#mnightshyamalan #signs #thesixthsense #glass #unbreakable #movies #cinemastodon #cinema
In which I break down THE SIXTH SENSE's most important twist (which is not the one we talk about the most)...
Read at Medium: https://medium.com/@cole.haddon/on-screenwriting-what-about-the-sixth-senses-other-twist-c3bdda9c5b28
#screenwriting #writing #storytelling #filmmaking #screenwriter #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips #film #movies #cinema #writerscommunity #TheSixthSense
#screenwriting #writing #storytelling #filmmaking #screenwriter #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips #film #movies #cinema #writerscommunity #thesixthsense
>official 4.18 wallpaper, it's super out there
*I see dead people*.