The #MagickBeans are #DefinitelyFairTrade...
But... #SadNews...
#IncidentReport: #One of #TheSmurfs took a #ShotGunBlast to the #Chest...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹🪐
#magickbeans #definitelyfairtrade #sadnews #incidentreport #one #thesmurfs #shotgunblast #chest
We just need Wild Smurf and Sweepy Smurf from The Smurfs to hold hands. #Smurf #Smurfs #TheSmurfs #WildSmurf #FrankWelker #SweepySmurf #DonMessick
#smurf #smurfs #thesmurfs #wildsmurf #frankwelker #sweepysmurf #donmessick
We're all stanning Tailor Smurf and Greedy Smurf from The Smurfs. #Smurf #Smurfs #TheSmurfs #TailorSmurf #KipKing #GreedySmurf #HamiltonCamp
#smurf #smurfs #thesmurfs #tailorsmurf #kipking #greedysmurf #hamiltoncamp
Painter Smurf and Scaredy Smurf from The Smurfs - kiss when? #Smurf #Smurfs #TheSmurfs #PainterSmurf #WilliamCallaway #ScaredySmurf #AlanYoung
#smurf #smurfs #thesmurfs #paintersmurf #williamcallaway #scaredysmurf #alanyoung
We just need Snappy Smurfling and King Smurf from The Smurfs to get married. #Smurf #Smurfs #TheSmurfs #SnappySmurfling #PatMusick #KingSmurf #DannyGoldman
#smurf #smurfs #thesmurfs #snappysmurfling #patmusick #kingsmurf #dannygoldman
Sloppy Smurf and Hogatha from The Smurfs getting together would be totally ridonculous! #Smurf #Smurfs #TheSmurfs #SloppySmurf #MarshallEfron #Hogatha #JanetWaldo
#smurf #smurfs #thesmurfs #sloppysmurf #marshallefron #hogatha #janetwaldo
Toots & memes about #ETmovie are inevitable with the ongoing #SpyBalloon saga & #UFO/ #UAP speculation.
TBH I've never watched ET, as it came out around the time my mom joined #JehovahsWitnesses. This "Christian sect" i.e. #cult🤬, bans any content that contradicts their strict interpretation of the Bible. Former child-#JW around my age will remember that we couldn't watch #TheSmurfs either... WTH?! 🤦🏿♂️
I've been trying to catch up missed 80s movies, so I think I'll stream ET tonight 😂
#etmovie #spyballoon #ufo #jehovahswitnesses #cult #jw #thesmurfs #exjw #uap
Toots & memes about #ETmovie are inevitable with the ongoing #SpyBalloon saga & #UFO/#UAP speculation.
TBH I've never watched ET, as it came out around the time my mom joined #JehovahsWitnesses. This "Christian sect", i.e. #cult🤬, bans any content that contradicts their strict interpretation of the Bible. Former child-#JW around my age will remember that we couldn't watch #TheSmurfs either... WTH?! 🤦🏿♂️
I've been trying to catch up missed 80s movie, so I think I'll stream ET tonight 😂
#etmovie #spyballoon #ufo #jehovahswitnesses #cult #jw #thesmurfs #exjw
Toots & memes about #ETmovie are inevitable with the ongoing #SpyBalloon saga & #UFO/#UAP speculation.
TBH I've never watched ET, as it came out around the time my mom joined #JehovahsWitnesses. This "Christian sect", i.e. #cult🤬, bans any content that contradicts their strict interpretation of the Bible. Former child-#JW around my age will remember that we couldn't watch #TheSmurfs either... WTH?! 🤦🏿♂️
I've been trying to catch up missed 80s movie, so I think I'll stream ET tonight 😂
#etmovie #spyballoon #ufo #jehovahswitnesses #cult #jw #thesmurfs #exjw
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 livres bandes dessinées #thesmurfs #schtroumpf #lesschtroumpfs #smurfs
#thesmurfs #schtroumpf #lesschtroumpfs #smurfs
#thesimpsons #thesmurfs #cartoongasm
#thesimpsons #thesmurfs #cartoongasm
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 un lot de bande dessinée #tintin #Gaston #smurfs #schtroumpf #TheSmurfs #lesschtroumpfs #gastonlagaffe
#tintin #gaston #smurfs #schtroumpf #thesmurfs #lesschtroumpfs #gastonlagaffe
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #snes #RETROGAMING #superoffroad #AnotherWorld #skyblazer #spirou #dbz #mrnutz #earthwormjim #tintinautibet #pitfall #schtroumpfs #thesmurfs #killerinstinct #StarTrek #superpinball #supermetroid #battletoadsinbattlemaniacs #magicsword #battletoads
#snes #retrogaming #superoffroad #anotherworld #skyblazer #Spirou #dbz #mrnutz #earthwormjim #tintinautibet #pitfall #schtroumpfs #thesmurfs #killerinstinct #startrek #superpinball #supermetroid #battletoadsinbattlemaniacs #magicsword #battletoads
Stole this from The Ultimate 80s page on FB.
I have a huge library of classic #SaturdayMorningCartoons on my Plex and hit shuffle on those rare Saturdays where I am in a onesie before a bowl of Fruit Loops.
What are your favorite Saturday Morning or after-school cartoons?
I loved #GummiBears #TheSmurfs #PacMan and #TheSuperfriends
#saturdaymorningcartoons #gummibears #thesmurfs #pacman #thesuperfriends
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 un très beau lot de jeux #snes #pitfall #mrnuts #ranma #PrehistoricMan #battletoads #inbattlemaniacs #skyblazer #magicsword #MortalKombat #thesmurfs #schtroumpfs #legend #MichaelJordan #chaosinthewindycity #tintin #tintinautibet #actraiser2 #Asterix #yoshisisland
#snes #pitfall #mrnuts #ranma #PrehistoricMan #battletoads #inbattlemaniacs #skyblazer #magicsword #mortalkombat #thesmurfs #schtroumpfs #legend #MichaelJordan #chaosinthewindycity #tintin #tintinautibet #actraiser2 #asterix #yoshisisland