#weak #skin #skunkanansie #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Eesh, missed yesterday because life and stuff.
This was the sound in my protagonist's head...
Day 29: Betty Marsden Laughing In Carry On Camping
#thelaughingwomaninthecarryons #laughter #carryoncamping #bettymarsden #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 28: French and Saunders - The Corrs, The Pretty Face Of Cloning
#theprettyfaceofcloning #thecorrs #frenchandsaunders #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 27: Amy MacDonald - This Is The Life
#ThisIsTheLife #AmyMacDonald #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 25: Taylor Swift, ft. Haim - No Body, No Crime
#nobodynocrime #Haim #taylorswift #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 23: Stevie Wonder - Signed Sealed Delivered
#signedsealeddelivered #steviewonder #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 22: Barry Manilow - I Made It Through The Rain
#imadeitthroughtherain #barrymanilow #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 21: Alanis Morissette - 21 Things I Want In A Lover
#damnskippy #21thingsiwantinalover #AlanisMorissette #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 20: Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
#womaninlove #barbrastreisand #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 19: Peggy Lee - It's A Good Day
#itsagoodday #peggylee #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 18: Annie Lennox - Walking On Broken Glass
#walkingonbrokenglass #annielennox #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 16: Miley Cyrus - Flowers
#flowers #mileycyrus #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 15: Lighthouse Family - High
#high #lighthousefamily #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 14: kd lang - Bird On A Wire
#birdonawire #kdlang #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 13: Billie Holliday - The Very Thought Of You
#theverythoughtofyou #billieholiday #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 12: Catatonia - Dead From The Waist Down
#deadfromthewaistdown #Catatonia #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 11: Dusty Springfield - Breakfast In Bed
#breakfastinbed #dustyspringfield #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 10: Cass Elliot - Dream a Little Dream Of Me
#dreamalittledreamofme #MamaCass #casselliot #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 9: Lucy Spraggan - Empire
#empire #lucyspraggan #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis
Day 8: Michael Jackson - Leave Me Alone
#leavemealone #michaeljackson #tiddleyompompom #thesonginmymcsheadis