I think apart from #TheSpareMan , all #SF I've read this year has programmable matter and nanobots. In a very similar way. Huh.
#thespareman #sf #sweepofstars #books2023
Another thought about #TheSpareMan by @maryrobinette, inspired by @catrinity:
Tesla Crane reminded me a bit of a type of female character William Gibson likes to write: young, beautiful, with some expertise, but also very very vulnerable because of past trauma (think Flynne in "The Peripheral" or Cayce in "Pattern Recognition"). They are nominally main characters, but only accomplish stuff because all make characters enable them to do so.
After living the #LadyAstronaut books, of course I had to read #TheSpareMan by Mary Robinette Kowal as well.
There's much to like about it: a SF mystery plot on a cruise space ship bound for Mars, where both recycling and different spin gravity levels play a role. A gender-neutral society where everyone's introduced with their pronouns and all physical characteristics (white, bald, fat, athletic, blue-haired...) are equally neutrally described. Recurring pub quiz trivia questions.
I said goodbye to 2022 with a space murder mystery and stuck with the genre for my first book of 2023: @maryrobinette 's delightful The Spare Man! Was expecting some light-hearted, feel-good romp so the body count took me by surprise! :blob_fearful:
Loved everything about #TheSpareMan but I'll note the entertaining characters, the most loveable dog ever committed to paper, and the obvious care and attention put into matters of diversity, inclusion and sensitivity.
#thespareman #sff #mystery #books #reading
RT @torbooks
'Mary Robinette Kowal has proven a keen intelligence in all of her writing, a fun, gripping plot and whimsical elements to balance the “serious” elements in the stories she spins.'
@sffworld on #TheSpareMan by @MaryRobinette
I absolutely love @maryrobinette's fantastic books and recently enjoyed #TheSpareMan. My wife is not really a sci fi person, but I figured this one might just tick enough other boxes for her to enjoy it... and it seems I was right. I think it helps that it's set on a cruise ship, even if said cruise ship happens to be in space. And the dog. And cocktails. :)
While we wait for Artemis to launch, a few of the drinks from @maryrobinette’s The Spare Man, a riff on The Thin Man in space, where each chapter has its own cocktail. I really enjoyed reading and drinking my way through it!
#scifi #books #cocktails #thespareman