August 15, 2023 - Day 227 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 247
Game: The Stillness of the Wind
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Feb 8, 2019
Library Date: Jun 5, 2023
Unplayed: 71d (2m10d)
Playtime: 22m
The Stillness of the Wind is a third-person game about loss and getting old.
Talma lives alone on her farm in the middle of nowhere, with a couple of goats, and a few chickens.
This is a very quiet game, that involves just... living. As Talma, you milk the goats & make cheese. You collect eggs from the chickens, and mushrooms from under the windmill. You plant seeds, and collect water from the well, to water them. You cook dinner, read a letter should one come, and go to bed to start over.
Rendered in warm watercolour tones, you feel Talma's age as she makes her way around her tiny farm. Various items bring memories to mind, and several of them are quite sad.
This is not a game to play for fun. It evoked in me a sense of melancholy and loneliness.
I will probably play it through to completion, but when I'm in the right frame of mind to engage with it.
The Stillness of the Wind is:
3: OK
#TheStillnessOfTheWind #ThirdPerson #CozyGaming #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#thestillnessofthewind #thirdperson #cozygaming #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
#TheStillnessoftheWind is $1.94 on Steam - I feel like that is a cue to just buy it.
Ya terminé #TheStillnessoftheWind.
Es un juego wholesome, pero triste. Es super corto. En 3 horas o menos se termina.
Si lo van a comprar, comprénlo cuando esté en oferta.
#thestillnessofthewind #videojuegosconsaku
Cuando una se siente malita de salud, por supuesto que la lógica es jugar un juego que le recomendó TikTok que viene con la advertencia de que es triste, wholesome, pero triste.
#VideojuegosconSaku #TheStillnessoftheWind #Gaming #NintendoSwitch
#videojuegosconsaku #thestillnessofthewind #gaming #nintendoswitch
La cosa es que en TikTok me salió este juego como recomendación y no sé si tengo la salud mental para jugarlo, pero igual lo quiero jugar porque claramente tengo problemas. 😂
#thestillnessofthewind #videojuegosconsaku #gaming