This is a collage of pictures of the last scene of #RobertPattinson in the movie #TheSummerTime and here it's the same.
This is the last post about the 45th topic movie. I hope that you liked it. Please tell me in the comments what I could do better.
But every end is also a new beginning. Now the way is free for #TheBatman the 46th topic movie. Have a good time with it...
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummertime #thebatman #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
interview with Daisy Gili
Daisy Gilli: We had such fun trying to create that Internet atmosphere with two very receptive actors. I think he has a real hunger to get the acting right. He really worked very hard on that.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
audience review
At first, I thought this short was a little too short to be rated, but I really love Robert Pattinson. He's just that good of an actor. It helps that he is handsome as well :)
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
audience review
...What this girl was feeling, haven't we felt once upon a time...torn between a compelling attraction to someone and our knowledge that whatever we had with this person was lost forever?...
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
Daisy Gili: Script supervisor recommended Robert Pattinson to work with us mainly because he thought he would take directions well. He wasn't too big for his boots even though he was only 20 and...
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
Daisy Gili: Campbell Mitchell (who had worked on props for “The Haunted Airman”) said, this guy is amazing, and he’s really nice, and I think he’d be really up for working on a short film. I saw a picture of him and I thought, he’s fantastic.”
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
Daisy Gili: ...Everyone mucked in: actors Anna Calder Marshall and David Burke travelled over to France with us buried under bags and bags of period clothes and Robert shared his room with our Boom Operator.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
What do you think about short movies like the summer house?
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
Talulah Riley: I worked with a guy called Robert Pattinson, who is Tom’s best friend, and then he introduced us… (Starts to laugh) …and then Tom and I became best friends!
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The 46th topic movie The Batman will start on 06.02.2023.
Therefore the last time of #TheSummerHouse began.
The profile photo was voted+the winner is number 1. Now the profile- picture shows the next topic movie to remember the change in the near future. Let's have a good time!
Here is the result of the vote:
1 : 12,5
6 : 8,5
10 : 8,3
3 : 5,0
2 : 4,3
7 : 2,3
5 : 2,0
8 : 1,0
4 : 0,0
9 : 0,0
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#thesummerhouse #thebatman #RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson #46movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
interview with Daisy Gili
Daisy Gili: We caught him at the right time but I'm not surprised that Catherine Hardwick saw him and thought wow.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
review excerpt
...The result is a warm, dreamy piece, which captures the lazy summer afternoons and cool evenings at the French villa, for a gathering of family members...
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
audience review
very nice movie... needs some work, but i liked the story..
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
Daisy Gili: A whole variety of people are really interested, and I hope that they’ll enjoy what they see. I hope they won’t be disappointed that there isn’t more of him (Rob), if you know what I mean...
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
From Official Site:
...Instead she is confronted by a repentant Richard. He wants her back. She is impossibly tempted, but repelled by his crude attempt to force her.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
Daisy Gili: One of my favourite scenes in the film is their encounter in the summer house, a scene that was particularly difficult to capture because of the low light and the shallow depth of field...
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
What do you think about Robert Pattinson in the summer house?
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
interview with Talulah Riley
M&C — Is [Robert Pattinson] a good kisser? Neck nuzzler?
TR — He’s a very good neck nuzzler.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
interview with Anna Mcdonald
Anna Mcdonald: Robert was the kind of person who would go out for a drink and a chat. He was one of us.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins
The Summer House (2009)
From Official Site:
...Richard wants Jane to feel sorry for him for making the mistake of giving her up. He is desperate for her, but he is the wrong boy, he is an ‘unsuitable boy’.
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#RobertPattinson #robsessed #robpattinson
#RobertPattinson #thesummerhouse #robsessed #robpattinson #45movierobpattins