Just finished #TheSurge, and with the good ending too! I've enjoyed it, so of course I'm now installing the sequel which everyone agrees is so much better!
#thesurge #thesurge2 #soulslike
I'm enjoying #TheSurge very much. The change in setting to the typical dark fantasy is refreshing, the selective limb targeting is well implemented, and the combat feels satisfying.
I'm in the second area now, and hoping to complete some of the side quests along the way.
I'm back around here after some time off! Boy a lot of gaming happened in between the last time I posted and when I returned to the UK. I've played a bit of #BreathOfTheWild, encountered a massive difficulty spike in #ChainedEchoes that I'm still trying to overcome, and I've started another #soulslike, #TheSurge (yes, I'm trying my best to catch up with the genre).
#breathofthewild #chainedechoes #soulslike #thesurge
🔫SuperWamBlam! | @DanVanDam plays The Surge! Day 5 Then more! https://www.twitch.tv/danvandam #fundraiser #raisingmoney #retro #thesurge
#fundraiser #raisingmoney #retro #thesurge
Had a bit of a splurge on the first day of the #SteamSpringSale
#steamspringsale #thesurge #deadspace #thebannersagaiii
🎮 | Tienen de oferta en #Steam :gaming1_steam: por solo 3 euros #TheSurge
Un juego tipo Dark Souls pero ambientado en un mundo colapsado por máquinas rebeldes y defectuosas.
Recomendado. #videojuegos #gaming
#steam #thesurge #videojuegos #gaming
Here we go, #twitch schedule for this week - more #AeternaNoctis and #TheSurge ! Hope to see yall there :)
#twitch #aeternanoctis #thesurge
Jan 10, 2023 - Day 10 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 14
Game: The Surge
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: May 16, 2017
Library Date: Aug 27, 2018
Unplayed: 1597 days (4y4m14d)
Playtime: 2h20m
I'm picking through games at random that I haven't played. Again, with no idea what I'm getting myself into.
"OK, sci-fi. Cool... WHOA!"
The whole vibe of the intro was that things were going to go sideways, I just didn't expect it to happen in quite such a visual way.
Apparently, this is a "soulslike" sci-fi game. My last "soulslike" was Elden Ring. That went so badly, I got a refund.
It could be that I didn't really grasp the gameplay loop. I did here, though, because it was making me quite cross at first.
I think I've got enough of a handle on it that I might even given Elden Ring another shot, at some stage.
Anyway, the plan was to play for 15-30 minutes, and almost 2.5 hours later, The Surge is good.
For bonus points, I was looking in my email to see when I got it, and discovered I also got The Surge 2 in a bundle that I haven't even activated. Yet.
My initial rating for The Surge is:
4: Good
#thesurge #soulslike #gaming #project365ong #project365
Tonight, in about 2 hours (7 PM central), we'll be firing up stream and playing some of #TheSurge to start, then once everyone is ready we're doing some #deeprockgalactic with IgotzTats, KDKatGames, and xSuperBeefyx! Hope to see you on #twitch in a little bit!
#thesurge #deeprockgalactic #twitch
Heute neu auf unserem #Youtube Kanal. Präsentiert von Captain Aldi und @Gametleman
"Ein Noob spielt #Pubg" - #Stadia Edition
"#TheSurge - Tipps zum Überleben." - #GeforceNow und #PlaystationPlus
#youtube #pubg #stadia #thesurge #geforcenow #PlaystationPlus
#TheSurge 2 est désormais sur GOG (sauf erreur c'est nouveau), bien soldé en plus. Je le recommande chaugement ♥
#TheSurge fini !
Et boy oh boy, je me retiens FORT de pas acheter le 2 direct ☺
Je sais pas si ce jeu me convient mieux que d'autres soul-like (au pif BB) ou qu'il est plus simple, mais j'adore comment je progresse continuellement dans #TheSurge et combien chaque session me fait avancer. Je bloque quasi jamais. ❤
Franchement #TheSurge (le 1er) c'est mon souls préféré et de loin, en terme de gameplay. C'est pas pour rien que c'est lui qui m'a réconcilié avec le genre quand j'avais mis de côté Nioh et BB.
Niveau atmosphère j'adore le style aussi, et ça change. Disons qu'entre BB et celui-là
Vu que je me suis remis à #TheSurge (1), je peux refaire le meilleur truc du jeu : l'intro de Mambo #5 avec le son d'erreur.
Currently stuck on one of the 'exo-lift' elevators that are just an automated jaunt up or down on a set track. It just stopped partway up and no controls work except the camera stick and select (Which just buzzes and says 'currently not allowed.'
If there's one thing I did NOT expect about this game, it was for it to be actually buggier than held-together-with-twine-and-staples Dark Souls. #thesurge