Det roligaste med #theswitch är väl att man plötsligt får connecta med folk som faktiskt följde en för att de gillade en, och inte bara de mest aktiva
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Sü from “The Switch“ - #TheSwitch #LWTVcotd
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Sü from “The Switch“ - #TheSwitch #LWTVcotd
Really trying to ween myself off of twitter for good. Pulled all my favorite follows into RSS Feeds on Reader for iOS. Removed the app from my homescreen, and turned off notifications. Its also no longer on my bookmarks bar in Firefox. Really enjoying the positive vibes of Mastodon, and while I know it will never be a 1:1 replacement, I hope it fills the void in one way or another. #twitter #theswitch
#TheOregonTrail is in #TheSwitch now! I LOVED THAT GAME WHEN I WAS A KID! ❤️