Serienjunkies 📺 · @serienjunkies
644 followers · 1945 posts · Server
Aymeric Aulen 🍿 · @aymeric_aulen
58 followers · 521 posts · Server

Une bande-annonce captivante pour la mini-série de Park Chan-wook et Don McKellar, avec Hoa Xuande, Robert Downey Jr. et Sandra Oh.

Adaptée du roman récompensé d’un prix Pulitzer de Viet Thanh Nguyen, elle arrivera en 2024 sur et .

#thesympathizer #hbo #max

Last updated 2 years ago

FilmBook · @FilmBook
13 followers · 400 posts · Server
SpoilerTV · @spoilertv
393 followers · 1456 posts · Server
Cora · @silvercomet21
108 followers · 1414 posts · Server

Is Unrecognizable as He Transforms into Balding Redhead for HBO's


#robertdowneyjr #thesympathizer

Last updated 2 years ago

piratköket · @piratkoeket
4 followers · 2 posts · Server

“Bang bang was the sound of memory’s pistol firing into our heads, for we could not forget love, we could not forget war, we could not forget lovers, we could not forget enemies, we could not forget home, and we could not forget Saigon. We could not forget the caramel flavor of iced coffee with coarse sugar; the bowls of noodle soup eaten while squatting on the sidewalk; the strumming of a friend’s guitar while we swayed on hammocks under coconut trees; the football matches played barefoot and shirtless in alleys, squares, parks, and meadows; the pearl chokers of morning mist draped around the mountains; the labial moistness of oysters shucked on a gritty beach; the whisper of a dewy lover saying the most seductive words in our language, anh oi; the rattle of rice being threshed; the workingmen who slept in their cyclos on the streets, kept warm only by the memories of their families; the refugees who slept on every sidewalk of every city; the slow burning of patient mosquito coils; the sweetness and firmness of a mango plucked fresh from its tree; the girls who refused to talk to us and who we only pined for more; the men who had died or disappeared; the streets and homes blown away by bombshells; the streams where we swam naked and laughing; the secret grove where we spied on the nymphs who bathed and splashed with the innocence of the birds; the shadows cast by candlelight on the walls of wattled huts; the atonal tinkle of cowbells on mud roads and country paths; the barking of a hungry dog in an abandoned village; the appetizing reek of the fresh durian one wept to eat; the sight and sound of orphans howling by the dead bodies of their mothers and fathers; the stickiness of one’s shirt by afternoon, the stickiness of one’s lover by the end of lovemaking, the stickiness of our situations; the frantic squealing of pigs running for their lives as villagers gave chase; the hills afire with sunset; the crowned head of dawn rising from the sheets of the sea; the hot grasp of our mother’s hand; and while the list could go on and on and on, the point was simply this: the most important thing we could never forget was that we could never forget." - Viet Thanh Nguyen

#vietthanhnguyen #thesympathizer

Last updated 2 years ago

William Clark · @william_m_clark
124 followers · 136 posts · Server

“Now a guarantee of happiness — that’s a great deal. But a guarantee to be allowed to pursue the jackpot of happiness? Merely an opportunity to buy a lottery ticket. Someone would surely win millions, but millions would surely pay for it.” Viet Thanh Nguyen,

#thesympathizer #americandream

Last updated 2 years ago

William Clark · @william_m_clark
124 followers · 136 posts · Server

“Now a guarantee of happiness — that’s a great deal. But a guarantee to be allowed to pursue the jackpot of happiness? Merely an opportunity to buy a lottery ticket. Someone would surely win millions, but millions would surely pay for it.” Viet Thanh Nguyen,


Last updated 2 years ago