Watching the original #TheTakingOfPelham123 and it starts off with horrendous racism via a "comedy" bit with a group of visiting Japanese dignitaries.
This was so common back then, it makes me appreciate Sulu from the original #StarTrek even more. He was never an ethnic comedy prop and his character debuted eight years before this film came out.
#georgetakei #StarTrek #thetakingofpelham123
I strongly recommend shopping for your groceries with your headphones on and listening to the Theme from The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3. Trust me it’s genuinely a whole different experience. Every aisle feels like there’s a spy lurching or you’re part of an international thrilling plot to overthrow the eggplants or something.
Just do it. You’ll thank me later.
#thetakingofpelham123 #shopping #groceries
#7filmstoknowme I keep thinking about movies with poignancy without so much easy trickery to remind you it's a movie; you want to lose yourself in the experience, the cinema of it. I remember the Scorsese quote about cinema meaning everything that occurs off screen. Wait, was it his quote?
These are personal choices:
#7filmstoknowme #thetakingofpelham123 #interstellar #groundhogday #citizenkane #8andonehalf #Kingpin #thebiglebowski
but that's just off the top of my head. How did The Maltese Falcon not get on there? Or The Thing? Or oh-my-god I'm an idiot The French Connection?
I need 8.
#7filmstoknowme #timebandits #thetakingofpelham123 #outofsight #schizopolis #millerscrossing #shampoo #galaxyquest #thefrenchconnection