66 years ago:
The Tall T (US)
A pair of newlyweds, a ranch foreman, and their stagecoach driver are held up by a trio of outlaws who kidnap the woman after learning that she is heir to a rich man.
#TheTallT #BuddBoetticher #RandolphScott #RichardBoone #MaureenOSullivan #Columbia #Western #Movies
#thetallt #buddboetticher #randolphscott #richardboone #maureenosullivan #columbia #western #movies
NYJ, in audience when Adam West, as Batman, played Shea Stadium, all my surviving family think arguing at Thanksgiving dinner is disruptive. #tourists #HudsonRiverPark #TheLadyEve #JimBackus #AlanArkin #PeterFalk #eastcoastoysters #GlobalEntry #insulin #jellybelly #ThatFatalGlassOfBeer #RichardLester #JacquesTourneur #DonSiegel #ThePajamaGame #TheTallT #BobNewhart #Highway61Revisited #Roadrunner #AMRadio #WMCAGoodGuys #Provence #Osaka #TheCandyHouse #BarchesterTowers #BroadwayDannyRose
#broadwaydannyrose #barchestertowers #TheCandyHouse #osaka #provence #wmcagoodguys #amradio #roadrunner #highway61revisited #BobNewhart #thetallt #thepajamagame #donsiegel #jacquestourneur #richardlester #thatfatalglassofbeer #jellybelly #insulin #globalentry #eastcoastoysters #peterfalk #alanarkin #jimbackus #theladyeve #hudsonriverpark #tourists