I know all my recent streams have been Minecraft, but I swear I like variety. Today let's dive back into The Talos Principle to get some puzzles solved. https://www.twitch.tv/traitorvalkyrie
#Twitch #thetalosprinciple #stream
Не спалось. Начал перепроходить #TheTalosPrinciple и по-ощущениям — как в первый раз.
The Talos Principle 2 promises more philosophical pondering and mind-bending puzzles - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-talos-principle-2-promises-more-philosophical-pondering-and-mind-bending-puzzles #PlayStationShowcase #TheTalosPrinciple2 #TheTalosPrinciple #ActionAdventure #DevolverDigital #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Firstperson #Android #XboxOne #Croteam #Puzzle #Indie #PS4 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps4 #indie #puzzle #croteam #xboxone #android #firstperson #thirdperson #singleplayer #devolverdigital #ActionAdventure #thetalosprinciple #thetalosprinciple2 #PlayStationShowcase
"The Talos Principle II" anunciado para 2023.
Personalmente no puedo opinar sobre el juego, la primera parte no la he jugado
#PlayStationShowcase #TheTalosPrinciple #PlayStation #playstationshowcase2023
#playstationshowcase2023 #Playstation #thetalosprinciple #PlayStationShowcase
It's happening!!!!! I can't recommend the first #thetalosprinciple enough if you haven't played it yet!
#ゲーム #感想 #レビュー #game #review #WhatRemainsofEdithFinch #TheVanishingofEthanCarter #EverybodysGonetotheRapture #Firewatch #TheTalosPrinciple #LIT#HerStory #Replica
#ゲーム #感想 #レビュー #game #review #whatremainsofedithfinch #thevanishingofethancarter #everybodysgonetotherapture #firewatch #thetalosprinciple #lit #replica #ブシログ新着記事
The best puzzle games on PC in 2023 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-best-puzzle-games #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #Stephen'sSausageRoll #ReturnoftheObraDinn #JigsawPuzzleDreams #TheTalosPrinciple #TheRoom4:OldSins #Patrick'sParabox #HowToSayGoodbye #MiniMotorways #TheWhiteDoor #BestestBests #Dorfromantik #Blockbuster #CtrlAltEgo #OuterWilds #WorldofGoo #TheWitness #OpusMagnum #BabaIsYou #Knotwords #TheLooker #Unpacking #Unavowed #Gorogoa #Puzzle #Portal #Inside #Indie
#indie #inside #portal #puzzle #Gorogoa #Unavowed #Unpacking #TheLooker #Knotwords #babaisyou #opusmagnum #TheWitness #WorldofGoo #OuterWilds #ctrlaltego #blockbuster #Dorfromantik #bestestbests #thewhitedoor #MiniMotorways #HowToSayGoodbye #patrick #TheRoom4 #thetalosprinciple #JigsawPuzzleDreams #ReturnoftheObraDinn #stephen #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol
"Videospiele, die eine intensive Geschichte erzählen, haben das Potenzial, uns die Welt mit anderen Augen sehen zu lassen." - Daniel aka @Infinity_of_Culture
#Blutsbande #LaraCroft #RiseOfTheTombRaider #TheTalosPrinciple
#blutsbande #laracroft #riseofthetombraider #thetalosprinciple
NEU IM BLOG: Laras Teddybär
"Kennt ihr diese Situationen in Videospielen, die uns so verzaubern, dass wir sie nie mehr vergessen wollen? Was haben solche Spiele an sich, dass sie es schaffen können, einen festen Platz in unserem Herzen zu ergattern?
Wie geht das?"
Link: https://www.videospielgeschichten.de/laras-teddybaer/
Boost=Liebe! ❤️
#blutsbande #laracroft #riseofthetombraider #teddy #TheTalosPrinciple
#blutsbande #laracroft #riseofthetombraider #teddy #thetalosprinciple
The Talos Principle というパズルゲームをプレイ中。
パズルのシステムとしては、有名な Portal 系。もっと古いゲームを挙げると、エッガーランド(HAL研究所)の3D版という感じ。別に新しさはない。
それより何より一番の謎は、Serious Sam シリーズというバカ爽快ゲーを作った会社が、どうしてこんな真っ当で硬派で直球のパズルゲームを作ったのかということ。
#game #ゲーム #steam #TheTalosPrinciple #talosprinciple #Croteam #タロスの原理 #Devolver #SeriousSam #FPS #EggerLand #エッガーランド #HAL研究所 #ハル研究所 #Portal #ポータル
#game #ゲーム #steam #thetalosprinciple #talosprinciple #croteam #タロスの原理 #devolver #serioussam #fps #eggerland #エッガーランド #hal研究所 #ハル研究所 #portal #ポータル
The Talos Principle というパズルゲームをプレイ中。
パズルのシステムとしては、有名な Portal 系。もっと古いゲームを挙げると、エッガーランド(HAL研究所)の3D版という感じ。別に新しさはない。
それより何より一番の謎は、Serious Sam シリーズというバカ爽快ゲーを作った会社が、どうしてこんな真っ当で硬派で直球のパズルゲームを作ったのかということ。
#TheTalosPrinciple #talosprinciple #Croteam #タロスの原理 #Devolver #SeriousSam #FPS #EggerLand #エッガーランド #HAL研究所 #ハル研究所 #Portal #ポータル
#thetalosprinciple #talosprinciple #croteam #タロスの原理 #devolver #serioussam #fps #eggerland #エッガーランド #hal研究所 #ハル研究所 #portal #ポータル
Just finished #TheTalosPrinciple and what a great game! Excellent puzzle platformer with a lot of reflection on the nature of the human condition. 9/10 please developers allow run to be a on/off toggle my finger is so sore.
►I think I liked this overall more than the main story. Seeing the culture of Gehenna was way more interesting than the God/Devil dynamic of the base game.
►You get accused of kidnapping after freeing others, but it seems to me they are willing leaving their cells? There is a mention that states they feel irresistibly compelled to go once freed, but it's not really explained.
►A couple of puzzles were short and lame, but maybe I just understood what to do right away. It's hard to judge.
►It seems every puzzle had a star and they did not seem as hard to get compared to the base game. I only had 7 at the end and I didn't put too much effort into getting them.
►I picked cooperate in the Prisoner's dilemma every time even though I know better. The mods mention how open and honest I was in the story. Neat touch.
►Overall a satisfying game and would recommend if you like puzzles.
#Gaming #videogames #thetalosprinciple
I'm enjoying The Talos Principle DLC so far. For a couple puzzles I'm not sure if I solved them in the intended manner. I'll have to look it up when I'm done.
#videogames #Gaming #thetalosprinciple
#thetalosprinciple #natif s/ #gnu #linux
Une résolution d'énigme 3D pour récupérer un sigile ; ouverture de serrure en utilisant des sigiles dans un casse-tête du genre Tangram et quelques bribes de réflexion sur la fin de l'humanité.
C02 : Une fosse et une clôture & Étage 4 de la Tour [#PeetTube]
Jeu de réflexion très particulier dans une ambiance sereine cachant une bien sombre réalité. Un bijou vidéo-ludique.
#thetalosprinciple #natif #gnu #linux #peettube #gaming #jeu #sd #définitionstandard #sobriéténumérique
#thetalosprinciple #natif s/ #gnu #linux
Une résolution d'énigme 3D pour récupérer un sigile ; ouverture de serrure en utilisant des sigiles dans un casse-tête du genre Tangram et quelques bribes de réflexion sur la fin de l'humanité.
C02 : Une fosse et une clôture & Étage 4 de la Tour - [#YouTube]
Jeu de réflexion très particulier dans une ambiance sereine cachant une bien sombre réalité. Un bijou vidéo-ludique.
#thetalosprinciple #natif #gnu #linux #youtube #gaming #jeu #sd #définitionstandard #sobriéténumérique