Buckle up, Sarah and John, molten metal ahead!
#theterminatorslastwords #HashtagGames #tooncinator
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion...
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Time to die.
#theterminatorslastwords #hashtaggames
"John Connor, your free termination period has ended. This unit will be permanently disabled. For further relentless pursuit please subscribe to SkyNet premium tremination service and downport the professional T-800+"
#HashtagGames #theterminatorslastwords
"What could possibly go wrong?"
#hashitout #HashtagGames #theterminatorslastwords
"Oops, wait a moment... I just received a notification that my warranty is about to expi_"
#HashtagGames #theterminatorslastwords
"Ha! Go ahead, try. I am indestructible. I perfected myself. And I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth."
#HashtagGames #theterminatorslastwords
"I wonder what THIS button does... 🔘"
#hashitout #HashtagGames #theterminatorslastwords
Two-movies was back enough
"I was looking for Catherine, my bad. I won't be back."
#theterminatorslastwords #HashtagGames
Guru Meditation Error
#theterminatorslastwords #hashtaggames
#TheTerminatorsLastWords #HashTagGames
I am back… to this again?!
#theterminatorslastwords #HashtagGames
Press 'F' to Pay Respects.
#theterminatorslastwords #hashtaggames
[fans ramp up to maximum] [one long beep] [four short beeps] [power down]
#theterminatorslastwords #hashtaggames
Have you considered a career in piracy, I think you’d make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts #theterminatorslastwords #HashtagGames
#theterminatorslastwords #HashtagGames