And therefore, motion, the flow/passage of time, along with the sense of free will in space and time we as actors in the drama of life and history experience, are in reality ILLUSIONS!
Upshot: We should all feel eternally GRATEFUL for being included in the movie of the Block Universe.
Truly, we are all S/stars in the Theater and its Gnostic Double!
#philosophy #physics #gnosticism #TheTheaterAndItsGnosticDouble
#philosophy #physics #gnosticism #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
With my National Progressive Gnosticism, I have laid down a formula to be applied to all countries in all circumstances:
Right-wing Conservatism = Bad
Left-wing Progressivism = Good
Thank You,
and good night.
#gnosticism #PrettyGnosticMachine
#gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
How a #gnostic explains MAGA Christianity:
If the father and spiritual progenitor of your religion was willing to sacrifice his child because of a voice in his head, then one wonders, indeed one feels morally compelled to ask, what kind of moral and intellectual qualities do the devotees of such a religion want in their leaders, and what sort of expectations does such a constituency have for those leaders?
#gnostic #yourgodisdeath #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
The House of the Devil prompt:
Oh. im sorry, was I not clear at the outset about my motives?
Ok, let me be crystal clear:
I am out for ritual blood!
Der Bürgerkrieg ist ein geistlicher Krieg.
#Hex #TheHouseOfTheDevil #RitualSacrifice #Necronomiconscious #TheTheaterAndItsGnosticDouble
#hex #thehouseofthedevil #ritualsacrifice #necronomiconscious #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
Trent Reznor’s favorite movie include:
Our Transhumanist Gnostic Motto:
God Makes Man In His Own Ugly Image.
Man Makes God In His Own Prettier Image: A Pretty Gnostic Machine
The Volta-Reznor Harmonic Oscillator: Coming soon to a “theater” near you.
#TrentReznor #gnosticism #PrettyGnosticMachine #TheTheaterAndItsGnosticDouble
#bluevelvet #taxidriver #deadringers #videodrome #trentreznor #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
"The method of making an astral journey is auto hypnosis by means of a symbol." - Dion Fortune
#sympatheticmagic #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
Latte-Gedanken: Loosey Nousey
I have quaffed the menses of the moon Goddess,
and vomited a black hole that has swallowed their sun god/ego ideal...
Abrahamic conservatism is the only sin, the eternal sin: Their God is dead, and must remain dead for life and consciousness to be affirmed!
#TheTheaterAndItsGnosticDouble #demiurge #ZdzislawBeksinski TheDaatApocalypse
#thetheateranditsgnosticdouble #demiurge #zdzislawbeksinski
I woke up to this odd Delphic transmission this morning.
Now, it could mean many things, but im just going to go ahead and grab the Mithraic bull by the horns, and *mythopoetically* assume the Universe is totally on board with this whole Nine Inch Nails tribute/ Gnostic philosophical thought experiment I got going on.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive!!!!!
#mythopoetics #gnosticism #mithraism #NineInchNails #TrentReznor #PrettyGnosticMachine #TheTheaterAndItsGnosticDouble
#mythopoetics #gnosticism #mithraism #nineinchnails #trentreznor #prettygnosticmachine #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble
Way back that Pretty Hate Machine!
Nine Inch Nails - Down In It (R-Rated Video)
Before you can be Sophianically up above it,
You must be Demiurgically
#NineInchNails #PrettyHateMachine
#IJustMadeYouUpToHurtKnow Myself
#nineinchnails #prettyhatemachine #trentreznor #moderngnosticism #gnosis #tikkunolam #apocatastasis #prettygnosticmachine #thezappareznorharmonicoscillator #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble #ijustmadeyouuptohurtknow #strapondildos
Next Up To Slaughter The Ass Of Jehovah Nobodaddy God: The Argument From Evil!
"The argument from evil focuses upon the fact that the world appears to contain states of affairs that are bad, or undesirable, or that should have been prevented by any being that could have done so, and it asks how the existence of such states of affairs is to be squared with the existence of God." (SEP)
#TheTheaterAndItsGnosticDouble #PrettyGnosticMachine
#gnosticism #ArgumentFromEvil
#thetheateranditsgnosticdouble #prettygnosticmachine #gnosticism #argumentfromevil