"¿Víctimas? No seas melodramático. Mira ahí abajo. ¿Sentirías compasión por alguno de esos puntitos negros si dejara de moverse? Si te ofreciera 20.000 dólares por cada puntito que se parara, ¿me dirías que me guardase mi dinero o empezarías a calcular los puntitos que serías capaz de parar? Y libre de impuestos, amigo. Nadie piensa en términos de seres humanos; los gobiernos no lo hacen, ¿por qué íbamos a hacerlo nosotros?"
RT @KeysSteven
Sometimes movie music is so distinctive, so suggesting of mood, it acts as an unseen player (#TheThirdMan). That's Jerry Goldsmith's #Patton score (♫), recipient of few accolades (Laurel) but evoking Americana like Copeland, Cline, Joplin, Souza, Guthrie, Foster & King #tcmparty
#thethirdman #patton #TCMParty
A-dink, a-dink, a-dink-a-dink.
I’m all of a Zither this afternoon.
#TheThirdMan #OrsonWelles #movies Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3DJ2rkK
#thethirdman #orsonwelles #movies
On February 1, 1950 The Third Man premiered in New York City. Here’s a Post-It note portrait of Orson Welles to mark the occasion!
#TheThirdMan #CarolReed #GrahamGreene #FilmNoir #Noir #40sNoir #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryThriller #ExpressionistFilm #ClassicFilm #ClassicCinema #FanArt #Art #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thethirdman #carolreed #grahamgreene #filmnoir #noir #40snoir #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysterythriller #expressionistfilm #classicfilm #classiccinema #FanArt #art #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
"Victims? Don't be melodramatic. Look down there. Tell me. Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forev-*CRONCH*
Having fun with the #filmastodon #film "take generator".
After a few attempts, I got "Stop with all the #JurassicWorld sequels and just put dinosaurs in #TheThirdMan"
#thethirdman #jurassicworld #film #filmastodon
Goodnight Vienna !
#TheThirdMan #HarryLime #OrsonWelles Fan tees from Sillytees.co.uk
#thethirdman #harrylime #orsonwelles
New instance intro part 2: #14FilmsToKnowMe (because #7FilmsToKnowMe is too hard)
— #Orlando (1992)
— #BladeRunner (1982 - both of them, tbh, even if that's cheating)
— #OnlyLoversLeftAlive (2013)
— #Brick (2005)
— #TheAdventuresOfPriscillaQueenOfTheDesert (1994)
— #UnderTheSkin (2003)
— #WithnailAndI (1987)
— #TheVVitch (2015)
— #TheThirdMan (1949)
— #GhostInTheShell (1995)
— #AGirlWalksHomeAloneAtNight (2014)
— #YoungFrankenstein (1974)
— #Suspiria (1977)
— #MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail (1975)
#14filmstoknowme #7filmstoknowme #orlando #bladerunner #onlyLoversLeftAlive #brick #theadventuresofpriscillaqueenofthedesert #UnderTheSkin #WithnailandI #thevvitch #thethirdman #ghostintheshell #agirlwalkshomealoneatnight #youngfrankenstein #suspiria #montypythonandtheholygrail
Ooh, I want to play #7FilmsToKnowMe! Ugh, this is really hard so here's #14FilmsToKnowMe too, which still isn't enough.
— #Orlando (1992)
— #BladeRunner (1982)
— #Brick (2005)
— #OnlyLoversLeftAlive (2013)
— #TheAdventuresOfPriscillaQueenOfTheDesert (1994)
— #UnderTheSkin (2013)
— #WithnailAndI (1987)
— #TheVVitch (2015)
— #TheThirdMan (1949)
— #GhostInTheShell (1995)
— #AGirlWalksHomeAloneAtNight (2014)
— #YoungFrankenstein (1974)
— #Suspiria (1977)
— #MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail (1975)
#theadventuresofpriscillaqueenofthedesert #montypythonandtheholygrail #suspiria #youngfrankenstein #agirlwalkshomealoneatnight #ghostintheshell #thethirdman #thevvitch #Withnailandi #UnderTheSkin #OnlyLoversLeftAlive #brick #bladerunner #orlando #14filmstoknowme #7filmstoknowme
The Third Man remains at " large "
Third Corrupt U.S. Government Agent Discovered in Silk Road Case
#thethirdman #obey #disobey #jailthebankers