Looking for some #SFF reads that give the same vibe as Foundation?@vulture has some recommendations, including #TheThreeBodyProblem by Liu
Cixin and #TheTerraformers by yours truly! Check out the full list here. https://www.vulture.com/2023/07/sci-fi-books-to-read-like-foundation.html
#sff #thethreebodyproblem #TheTerraformers
2023: book thirty-five. #bookstodon #thethreebodyproblem #cixinliu #sciencefiction #ebooks #books #2023books
#bookstodon #thethreebodyproblem #cixinliu #sciencefiction #ebooks #books #2023books
@courts @bookstodon I’d try #TheThreeBodyProblem, by #CixinLiu
It has lots of Sci, really well crafted Fi, and although it involves stars and space, more than a space opera is a novel about the human condition.
It’s one of my favorites. And although it’s part of a trilogy, it stands well on its own
#thethreebodyproblem #cixinliu
Spending my #IndependenceDay vacation not working, not studying, just reading #thethreebodyproblem and tabbing up my #xenosrampant rulebook. Much needed.
#independenceday #thethreebodyproblem #xenosrampant
Filmy i seriale:
»„Problem trzech ciał”«
Netflix upublicznił pierwszy zwiastun drugiej już ekranizacji powieści Cixina Liu "Problem trzech ciał". Za serial odpowiadają kontrowersyjni showrunnerzy "Gry o tron" - David Benioff i D.B. Weiss, dla których będzie on stanowił szansę rehabilitacji, ale i możliwość dalszego się pogrążenia.
W obsadzie znajdą się Jess Hong, Benedict Wong, Eiza González, Jovan Adepo, Alex Sharp, John Bradley, Saamer Usmani, Liam Cunningham, Rosalind Chao, Jonathan Pryce, Marlo Kelly, Sea Shimooka, Ben Schnetzer i
#Fahrenheit_zin #Netflix #CixinLiu #Problemtrzechciał #TheThreeBodyProblem #LiuCixin #DavidBenioff #DBWeiss #3BodyProblem #ThreeBodyProblem
#fahrenheit_zin #netflix #cixinliu #problemtrzechcial #thethreebodyproblem #liucixin #davidbenioff #dbweiss #3bodyproblem #threebodyproblem
The ending of The Dark Forest was kind of a let down, but also tied everything up into a nice, neat little bow. I nearly stopped there.
So far I'm glad I didn't as Death's End has built upon that ending and redeemed it. As long as Liu doesn't pull that crap again, this is gonna be an epic trilogy.
Just finished “Death’s End” by Cixin Liu, the last book of #TheThreeBodyProblem trilogy.
Wow. Just wow.
Beautiful and horrifying. 🤯
While I've been enjoying it (I'm on EP 17), I really want @skdh's take on #thethreebodyproblem
Question for Cixin Liu's readers who've seen the Chinese 2023 TV show Three-Body:
After watching the show (I'm still a few episodes shy) can I follow the story skipping the first book and jumping straight to The Dark Forest? Or will I miss essential info? I know it might be literary sin but... I'll want to know what happens next without starting from the beginning again.
#Bookstodon #ThreeBody #TheThreeBodyProblem #RemembranceOfEarthsPast #LiuCixin #CixinLiu #Books #sciencefiction
#sciencefiction #books #cixinliu #liucixin #RemembranceofEarthsPast #thethreebodyproblem #threebody #bookstodon
Eine gute Übersichtskritik dazu hier in der NYT von Mike Hale. #LiuCixin #TheThreeBodyProblem
#liucixin #thethreebodyproblem
... dass wir gleich 2 Serienadaptionen bekommen. Die "hauseigene" Cinesische und die Netflix-Variante später im Jahr. Bis dahin empfehle ich sehr das WDR-#Hörspiel davon. Ein absolutes Highlight! (2/2). #LiuCixin #TheThreeBodyProblem
#horspiel #liucixin #thethreebodyproblem
Heimlich, still und leise für uns hier in Europa ist die chinesische Serienadaption von #LiuCixin s #TheThreeBodyProblem gestartet. Ich hab die ersten 3 Folgen gesehen und weiß noch nicht so genau, was ich davon halten soll. Finde es tendenziell aber eher gut. Freue mich... (1/2)
#liucixin #thethreebodyproblem
Update: finished reading #TheThreeBodyProblem. It was wonderful. I'm excited to read the rest of the trilogy.
I would be excited for the upcoming #Netflix adaptation, but we all know they're just gonna nuke it after 2 seasons, tops.
Currently reading #TheThreeBodyProblem for the first time and I've hit the part where the game is over and I'm just like "but wait, that was fun... I want more."
So let's talk about #TheThreeBodyProblem.
We should note that the orbital situation they describe is:
(a) not the way the Alpha Centauri system is laid out
(b) a four-body problem
This should have been enough for you, but no, you read it anyway, and read past 1d characters speaking the world's dumbest dialog, to engage with the novel's ideas, which imagine...nothing at all.
However, I must admit that the novel does raise one interesting question...(1/2)
#thethreebodyproblem #sf #scifi
Can happily report that by now the FIRST TEN EPISODES (of 30) of the Chinese SF sensation #ThreeBody / #TheThreeBodyProblem / #DieDreiSonnen can be watched FOR FREE at https://wetv.vip/en/play/h31rop8wfso9jnh-Three-Body ... several epic story arcs are emerging but also tons of fascinating details on the side, like radio interference issues in #astronomy. And ... #lightpollution as a serious environmental problem.
#lightpollution #astronomy #DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem #threebody
I recently learend that #TheThreeBodyProblem by Liu Cixin was made into a TV series #ThreeBody, on yt. I highly recomend the novels and the series also looks promising:
#thethreebodyproblem #threebody #scifi #sciencefiction
Happy to report that by now the FIRST FIVE EPISODES of the Chinese SF drama #ThreeBody / #TheThreeBodyProblem / #DieDreiSonnen can be watched FOR FREE at https://wetv.vip/en/play/h31rop8wfso9jnh-Three-Body/ - and boy, does episode five suddenly get #astronomical, hardcore! (But what's the bigger mystery: what happens at the end of the countdown ... or will #WeTV discontinue making new episodes freely available every few days eventually? :-)
#wetv #astronomical #DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem #threebody
Hey, just found out that the FIRST THREE episodes of #ThreeBody / #TheThreeBodyProblem / #DieDreiSonnen can be watched for free at https://wetv.vip/en/play/h31rop8wfso9jnh-Three-Body/ - only a few minutes into the fourth one payment is requested. So one tenth of the 30-episodes show is out there: told very slowly, so if you don't know the books you'd still have no clue at this point what's actually going on ... ;-)
#DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem #threebody