House we are staying in has drawers lined with a weekend supplement from #TheTimes dated April 1998.
Fascinating how much has changed over 25 years: the cigarette adverts, the absence of any web addresses, the homophobic columnist (not shown), the list of church services and dating classifieds.
#thetimes #newspapers #archive #history #mediastudies
Gizmodo: AI This Week: Fifty Ways to Hack Your Chatbot #applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialgeneralintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #thenewyorktimes #hallucination #alexlevinson #wernerherzog #huggingface #emmallanso #sueopenai #jackblack #anthropic #thetimes #chatbot #scaleai #chatgpt #openai
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialgeneralintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #thenewyorktimes #hallucination #alexlevinson #wernerherzog #huggingface #emmallanso #sueopenai #jackblack #anthropic #thetimes #chatbot #scaleai #chatgpt #openai
Link to #TheTimes article but it's paywalled
From #TheTimes - photo of an article on #heatwave and #drought affecting food crops and how that is likely to lead to UK food shortages and rising costs. #ClimateChange #CropFailure #FoodSecurity #Inflation
#thetimes #heatwave #drought #ClimateChange #cropfailure #foodsecurity #inflation
Why oh why has this been published in #Times2 next to an article about Sunak visiting Disneyland instead of say... The SPORT section where news about the SPORTSball would usually be?!
#TheTimes #QuetionanleEditorialChoice #WomensFootballIsFootball
#womensfootballisfootball #quetionanleeditorialchoice #thetimes #times2
The murder of Sgt. Hal Burchfield in 1985 reshaped the lives of #JarvisJayMasters, an inmate at #SanQuentinStatePrison, and Burchfield’s five children, including then-14-year-old Marjorie. (Jon Stich / For #TheTimes)
#US #prison
#justiceforjarvis #deathrow #prison #us #thetimes #SanQuentinStatePrison #jarvisjaymasters
The irony of a #TheTimes article on englandshire having a 'right to roam' similar to Scotland being hidden behind a pay wall is not lost on me. I wonder if it will mention access being arbitrarily blocked as I've come across in Scotland? It seems to be prevalent in the NE. Plantation colonialists just seem to stick a fence up or padlock a gate as they see fit. The thin end of the wedge...
I wonder if #TheTimes sees the deeply uncomfortable irony in having two articles about different types of fasting diets, including a woman who didn't eat for three days, alongside a first person piece about teenage eating disorders...
The News in Pictures section of #TheTimes today really brought me immense joy. A train grown in a rice paddy! A puffin! A girl skateboarding in a princess outfit! A baby waterbuck!
New Book Reveals Central Banks’ Role in Libor and Euribor Rate-Rigging Scandals - According to an extract from a book called “Rigged,” central banks and global poli... - #financialcrisis #liborandeuribor #interestrates #centralbanks #manipulation #rate-rigging #politicians #andyverity #thetimes. #euribor #scandal #rigged #libor #news
#news #libor #rigged #scandal #euribor #thetimes #andyverity #politicians #rate #manipulation #centralbanks #interestrates #liborandeuribor #financialcrisis
@ whoever wrote #TheTimes crossword today: 'frequently occurring' is not the same as 'continual'
Nice one #TheTimes the article is, of course, vanished by now, but it's good to know it's not because they wanted to but rather from likely pushback and the fact that russian media ran with it for its own propaganda.
There has been strong, angered response to the #cartoon coverage of #joebiden in #ireland - particularly #peterbrookes in #thetimes #BrookesTimes -- condemned as #racist #stereotyping - read more here: 👉
#Cartoon #joebiden #ireland #peterbrookes #thetimes #brookestimes #racist #stereotyping
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
The Times:
🎵 Whatever Happened To Thamesbeat?
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #thetimes
That The Times would publish this at all, much less at Easter, is beyond belief. Appallingly tasteless on every single level without even the redeeming feature of being funny
#TheTimes #Cartoon #PoliticalCartoon #SNP #ScottishPolitics #Easter
#easter #scottishpolitics #snp #politicalcartoon #cartoon #thetimes
Oh look, it's Captain Fuckbrains not understanding that schools "outing" kids to parents isn't an always/never proposition. It's COMPLEX.
Then he dusts off the same tired horse-shit about who can and can't have a penis; how trans women can only get their rights by taking them from cis women.
All the greatest bastarding hits.
#TheTimes on top form. #Starmer being the useless Tory-lite fuckstain that he is. GRRR.
#thetimes #Starmer #lgbtq #ukpol #labour
Has The Times (finally) blocked archive sites? I cannot get archive links to work.
More examples again today from our conservative media of how anti-trans/gender critical 'values' are simply just rehashed anti-gay rhetoric.
Schools and doctors outing trans youth to parents - who quite possibly were anti-trans, or now are, having been radicalised by right-wing media - would have horrific consequences for those children.
Not that these ghouls care about that really of course. 🧵
#lgbtq #trans #thetimes #DailyMail