Today is the 50th anniversary of the first anniversary of #TheTomorrowPeople in the UK. Happy anniversary, tiny fandom.
I'm an everything-er, if it's geeky: #Babylon5 #StarTrek #Farscape #Earth2 #Fringe #TheTomorrowPeople #KolchakTheNightStalker #Defiance #Space1999 #Firefly #DoctorWho #FortSalem #HACF #FallingSkies #TheTwilightZone #TheXFiles #BattlestarGalactica #Joe90 #Reaper #TheExpanse #TerminatorSCC #CaptainScarlet #Wednesday #LegendsOfTomorrow #CarnivalRow #Futurama #Stargate #Continuum #Travellers
... just off the top of my head... :pensive_party_blob:
#travellers #continuum #stargate #futurama #carnivalrow #LegendsOfTomorrow #wednesday #captainscarlet #terminatorscc #theexpanse #reaper #joe90 #battlestargalactica #thexfiles #thetwilightzone #FallingSkies #HaCF #fortsalem #doctorwho #firefly #space1999 #defiance #kolchakthenightstalker #thetomorrowpeople #fringe #Earth2 #farscape #StarTrek #babylon5
When i was a wee bairn i enjoyed a science-fiction program called #TheTomorrowPeople, a group of gifted teens led by stoic John, and a benevolent computer called Tim. One episode really stayed with me. A shadowy nemisis started distributing red and blue lapel pins throughout the community, promoting passionate loyalty within each faction, inevitably resulting in violent confrontation.
Sound familiar?
It's a new blog post day! Today in #CosmicStories we're looking at the #ScienceandSF of Weather Control - featuring appearances in #TheTomorrowPeople #Blakes7, #StarTrek and the works of Theodore L. Thomas amongst many others!
Comments always welcome!
#startrek #blakes7 #thetomorrowpeople #scienceandsf #cosmicstories
I'm overdue at an intro post, having seen a bunch around. OK, call me Tigger, I've been a #StarTrek fan as long as I can remember. I also love #PowerRangers #YoungWizards and books and comics. Also #TheTomorrowPeople. I write fanfic (same AO3 pseud). I am occasionally very silly and occasionally political.
#thetomorrowpeople #youngwizards #powerrangers #startrek