If they EVER bring in having to pay for doctors appointments or A&E visits i would leave the #Nursing profession. I'm proud to be a #Nurse and proud to work for #OurNHS.
OUR NHS!! Not for Tories to line their own and their pals pockets. It belongs to us the people and we won't let them tear it apart
#SaveOurNHSFromBeingPrivatised #SaveOurNHS #NursingStrikes #TheToriesHaveFailed #GetTheseBastardsOut #ToriesOut
#toriesout #getthesebastardsout #thetorieshavefailed #nursingstrikes #saveournhs #saveournhsfrombeingprivatised #ournhs #nurse #nursing
What is #RishiSunaks planned Soap Box Tour about? Apologising toThe British Public that #BrexitBritain & #TheToriesHaveFailed? By washing out his mouth with soap is & water is self inflicted punishment #ToryBrokenBritain #ToryCorruption #ToryLiars
#ToryLiars #ToryCorruption #torybrokenbritain #thetorieshavefailed #brexitbritain #rishisunaks