I was back as the guest co-host on The Traidar podcast to discuss #TheTraitorsReunion ! I had THOUGHTS! Most were about the poor way the show & some players treated Cirie, Plus I brought in some info from outside #TheTraitorsUS show. #TheTraitors
#tv #realitytv #thetraitors #thetraitorsus #thetraitorsreunion
In The Traitors Reunion, several players complained about Cirie having the gall to play the game. She got a few words in to concisely note that this was the game they were playing! I still think some of them don’t get it. 😖 My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWmWXqv/
You can also see Cirie’s wise words as a YouTube Short if you prefer that platform: https://youtube.com/shorts/XnCBgUqAU88?feature=share
#TheTraitorsUS #TheTraitors #TheTraitorsReunion #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #Cirie #CirieFields
#ciriefields #cirie #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #thetraitorsreunion #thetraitors #thetraitorsus
Far too much of The Traitors Reunion was dedicated to playwrs whining about how Cirie played. IT WAS A GAME and she played the hell out of it. If you don’t understand that, you shouldn’t have played. My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWrYXpt/
You can also watch people from the cast of The Traitors annoy me by not understanding what a game is in YouTube Short format: https://youtube.com/shorts/Xd9GqrB09No?feature=share
#TheTraitorsUS #TheTraitors #TheTraitorsReunion #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #Cirie #CirieFields
#ciriefields #cirie #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #thetraitorsreunion #thetraitors #thetraitorsus
The US version of The Traitors had one game play problem — half the cast being reality TV stars meant some of the new players were huge fans (as one said at the Reunion) and would never go against them! I was happy with THIS outcome but it should be considered next time. My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWL8JB1/
You can also view this video as a YouTube Short — and subscribe there as well: https://youtube.com/shorts/OEg1hNgaPiY?feature=share
#TheTraitorsUS #TheTraitors #TheTraitorsReunion #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV
#tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #thetraitorsreunion #thetraitors #thetraitorsus
While far too much of The Traitors Reunion focused on a few whiners complaining about what a great game Cirie played, at least the show properly celebrated her early in the Reunion! As we all should! My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRW11pec/
And you can also see the best part of the Reunion as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/XvaKWxdWklk?feature=share
#TheTraitorsUS #TheTraitors #TheTraitorsReunion #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #Cirie #CirieFields
#ciriefields #cirie #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #thetraitorsreunion #thetraitors #thetraitorsus