“The X-Files” premiered 30 years ago today.
#thexfiles #cigarettesmokingman #fbi #aliens #ufos #baseballcards #cardart #thetruthisoutthere
#thexfiles #cigarettesmokingman #fbi #aliens #ufos #baseballcards #cardart #thetruthisoutthere
The Pentagon has a new website dedicated to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) #UAP #aliens #TheTruthIsOutThere https://www.aaro.mil/
#uap #Aliens #thetruthisoutthere
@Edent well you say that but I distinctly heard Neil Armstrong say "The eagle has landed". Conspiracy!
#thetruthisoutthere #moonbirds
What are UFOs? #Infographic #TheTruthIsOutThere
#infographic #thetruthisoutthere #adafruit
What are UFOs? #Infographic #TheTruthIsOutThere https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=554472
#infographic #thetruthisoutthere
So... you're telling me... https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-66307705
#ufo #xfiles #thetruthisoutthere
An example of confirmation bias, or is this guy really right about finding alien technology?
#science #peerreview #alienartifacts #thetruthisoutthere
"Die Wahrheit ist noch da draußen, wartend darauf, von denen entdeckt zu werden, die sie mit offenem Geist und unermüdlichem Willen suchen." #xfiles #thetruthisoutthere
#cartoon #Kritzelei #Sarkasmus ist #Humor für #Realisten /#Alltag&#Wahnsinn #ancientaliens #giorgiotsoukalos #aliens #thetruthisoutthere
#cartoon #Kritzelei #sarkasmus #humor #realisten #wahnsinn #ancientaliens #giorgiotsoukalos #aliens #thetruthisoutthere
#Anonymous: Project Disclosure: Leaking Information
We are calling on all whistleblowers that have access to alternative technologies regarding #UAP, #UFO, or anything regarding NHIs, to give us any information you can regarding this subject matter.
#Anonymous #uap #ufo #thetruthisoutthere #aliens
Reps. Burchett and Luna confirm House #UFO hearing date is July 26th #UAP
#ETI #TheTruthIsOutThere
#ufo #uap #eti #thetruthisoutthere
#Anonymous vow to 'uncover the truth' about #UFOs, #UAPs and #ETI
Activist and hacktivist collective Anonymous said it is 'troubled' by the 'lack of accountability in government funding' for 'technological advancements made by aerospace companies involved in classified government black projects'.
#anonymous #ufos #UAPs #eti #thetruthisoutthere
#Anonymous: Project Disclosure
Press Release:
#UFO #UAP #ET #TheTruthIsOutThere
#anonymous #ufo #uap #et #thetruthisoutthere
Everyone in the world agrees that Ringo Langly and Alvin Kersh from The X-Files should cuddle. #XFiles #TheTruthIsOutThere #TrustNoOne #RingoLangly #DeanHaglund #AlvinKersh #JamesPickensJr
#xfiles #thetruthisoutthere #trustnoone #ringolangly #deanhaglund #alvinkersh #jamespickensjr
My review of Greyhill Incident, available on PC and Consoles now. #VideoGames #Aliens #thetruthisoutthere
#videogames #aliens #thetruthisoutthere
We're all stanning John Doggett and Walter Skinner from The X-Files. #XFiles #TheTruthIsOutThere #TrustNoOne #JohnDoggett #RobertPatrick #WalterSkinner #MitchPileggi
#xfiles #thetruthisoutthere #trustnoone #johndoggett #robertpatrick #walterskinner #mitchpileggi
Next Sunday is #WorldUFODay 👽🛸 #TheTruthIsOutThere
#worldufoday #thetruthisoutthere
I never saw #TheXFiles back in the day, but am now watching them. Early into S3 i just realised a detail i'd not noticed before, & it simply delights me. Mulder lives in Apartment 42. 😮
Mulder lives in the Ultimate Apartment! #TheTruthIsOutThere, inside his apartment! Woot!!
How cool is that! How wonderful that Chris Carter paid this honorarium to #HHGTTG. I'm so pleased about this, i'm gonna celebrate with a double #PanGalacticGargleBlaster. Woohoo.
#thexfiles #fortytwo #thetruthisoutthere #hhgttg #pangalacticgargleblaster
I would be lying to you if I told you that for some reason I havent gone down the #ufo rabbit hole with the whistleblower news this past week. #thetruthisoutthere