The SpaceX Inspiration4 launch, endlessly flowing from the pad all the way to orbit.
Composite of multiple tracking telescopes using new techniques to bring out the faintest colors and finest details.
Credits: MARS Scientific
#Inspiration4 #Rocket #SpaceResearch #SpaceEngineering
#Space #Science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#Inspiration4 #rocket #spaceResearch #spaceengineering #space #science #thetruthisupthere
Moonrays of August
A Full Moon rose as the Sun set on August 1. Near perigee, the closest point in its almost moonthly orbit, the brighter than average lunar disk illuminated night skies around planet Earth as the second supermoon of 2023. Seen here above Ragusa, Sicily, cloud banks cast diverging shadows through the supermoonlit skies, creating dramatic lunar crepuscular rays.
Image Credit & Copyright: Gianni Tumino
#Moon #FullMoon #Luna #Selena
#Astronomy #Space #TheTruthIsUpThere
#moon #fullmoon #luna #selena #astronomy #space #thetruthisupthere
On November 12, 1833, there was a meteor shower so intense that it was possible to see up to 100,000 meteors crossing the sky every hour. At the time, many thought it was the end of the world, so much so that it inspired this woodcut by Adolf Vollmy.
#MeteorShower #1883 #Astronomy #History
#Space #TheTruthIsUpThere
#meteorshower #astronomy #history #space #thetruthisupthere
Fireworks vs Supermoon
Seen from Cocoa Beach along Florida's Space Coast on July 4, an almost Full Moon rose in planet Earth's evening skies. Also known as a Buck Moon, the full lunar phase (full on July 3 at 11:39 UTC) was near perigee, the closest point in the Moon's almost monthly orbit around planet Earth. That qualified this July's Full Moon as a supermoon, the first of four supermoons in 2023.
Image Credit & Copyright: Michael Seeley
#moon #luna #fullmoon #thetruthisupthere
Messier 24: Sagittarius Star Cloud
Explanation: Unlike most entries in Charles Messier's famous catalog of deep sky objects, M24 is not a bright galaxy, star cluster, or nebula. It's a gap in nearby, obscuring interstellar dust clouds that allows a view of the distant stars in the Sagittarius spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy.
Image Credit & Copyright: Emmanuel Astronomono
#M24Gap #M24 #Sagitarius #Gap #Messier
#Space #Astronomy #Science
#m24gap #m24 #Sagitarius #gap #messier #space #astronomy #science #thetruthisupthere
"It is in the world of ideas and in the relation of his brain to the universe itself that the superiority of Man lies. The rise of Man may justly be described as an adventure in ideas." - Fred Hoyle
Astronomer Fred Hoyle was born #OnThisDay in 1915. He famously coined the phrase 'the Big Bang' in a talk for BBC Radio, using the term to differentiate from the 'steady-state' theory, which he preferred (though it has now been superseded by the Big Bang Theory).
#Astronomy #TheTruthIsUpThere
#onthisday #astronomy #thetruthisupthere
5-planet alignment: The rare parade of five planets in the sky took place on Tuesday, March 28. Γ°ΕΈΒ₯Β²
The Five planets that were visible in the night sky: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus.
#PkanetaryAlignment #SolarSystem #Space
#Astronomy #TheTruthIsUpThere
#pkanetaryalignment #solarsystem #space #astronomy #thetruthisupthere
Carl Sagan teaching students about the Milky Way galaxy β¨
#CarlSagan #MilkyWay #Home #Galaxy
#Space #Astronomy #TheTruthIsUpThere
#carlsagan #milkyway #home #galaxy #space #astronomy #thetruthisupthere
SpaceX's 27th commercial resupply mission docked to the International Space Station's Harmony module's space-facing port, at 7:31 am ET today, as the station was flying 261 miles over northeast China.
#Space #ISS #NASA #SpaceX #Technology
#SpaceResearch #Science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#space #iss #nasa #spacex #technology #spaceResearch #science #thetruthisupthere
Did you know constellations change shapes? β
Stars can move in any direction in space β laterally (sideways), radially (toward or away from our Solar System), or a combination of both types of motion. Lateral motions change the coordinates of stars in the sky, rearranging our star maps.
This is how the constellations have changed in appearance throughout recorded history.
Original post: Star Walk
#Stars #Constellations #Space #Astronomy
#Science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#stars #constellations #space #astronomy #science #thetruthisupthere
Jupiter and Venus from Earth
The sunset conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 2012 was pictured by a creative photographer traveled away from the town lights of Szubin, Poland, to image a near closest approach of the two planets.
A faint red sunset still glowed in the background. Jupiter and Venus are together again this month after sunset, passing within a degree of each other about a week ago.
Image Credit: Marek Nikodem (PPSAE)
#space #astronomy #science #thetruthisupthere
Comparison of the quality of images from the Hubble and James Webb telescope.
#Space #Cosmos #Hubble #JamesWebb #telescope #comparison #Astrophotography #astronomy
#space #cosmos #hubble #jameswebb #telescope #comparison #astrophotography #astronomy #thetruthisupthere
SMM-J2135-0102, aka the Cosmic Eyelash, is a galaxy discovered using the Large Apex Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) of the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope.
The cluster causes a gravitational lens effect, and It was possible to identify four molecular clouds whose solar luminosities were 100 times higher than that of similar regions in the Milky Way. This suggests a process of star formation that is 250 times faster.
An enhanced form of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, created from a raw image, captured by #Junocam during Its 7th Perijove on July 11, 2017.
NASA/SwRI/MSSS/Navaneeth Krishnan S
#Jupiter #JupitersGreatRedSpot
#JunoCam #7thPerijove #Perijove
#Space #Astronomy #Astrophysics
#SpaceResearch #SpaceRobotics
#Science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#JunoCam #jupiter #jupitersgreatredspot #7thperijove #perijove #space #astronomy #astrophysics #spaceResearch #spacerobotics #science #thetruthisupthere
Discover the mesmerizing Southern Swirls of Jupiter! π
Raw image captured by #Junocam during its 12th Perijove in 2018 enhanced for stunning detail. Structure was enhanced using #GMIC but color info was lost.
Credits: NASA Juno
NASA/SwRI/MSSS/Navaneeth Krishnan S
#JunoCam #gmic #space #jupiter #nasajuno #astronomy #thetruthisupthere
One of the Northern circumpolar #Cyclone seen in detail. Created from the raw data provided by the Junocam on its 47th Perijove (PJ47-86) around Jupiter.
Image credit: NASA/SwRI/MSSS/Navaneeth Krishnan S
#Space #Jupiter #NASAJuno #Astronomy
#Science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#cyclone #space #jupiter #nasajuno #astronomy #science #thetruthisupthere
This is one of the closest photos of Saturn ever taken
#space #saturn #astronomy #thetruthisupthere
Ice mountains of Pluto as seen from New Horizon spacecraft.
Source: NASA
#pluto #icemountain #newhorizon #space
#nasa #stronomy #thetruthisupthere
#pluto #icemountain #newhorizon #space #nasa #stronomy #thetruthisupthere
Enormous aurora on Jupiterβs north pole captured by Hubble Space Telescope.
Image credit: NASA
#jupiter #aurora #space #astronomy #science
#jupiter #aurora #space #astronomy #science #thetruthisupthere
Jupiter from the James Webb Space Telescope
* It is relevant to mention that the Webb is an infrared telescope, so the colors you see are false.
Source: NASA
#jupiter #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #JWST
#space #astronomy #science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#jupiter #jameswebbspacetelescope #jwst #space #astronomy #science #thetruthisupthere