@ChrisHolladay @jbf1755 Remember Fee Waybill of The Tubes? great band. #TheTubes
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
The Tubes:
🎵 White Punks On Dope
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#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #thetubes
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #MarcRiley
The Tubes:
🎵 White Punks on Dope
#nowplaying #bbc6music #MarcRiley #thetubes
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #GaryDavies
The Tubes:
🎵 Prime Time
#nowplaying #garydavies #thetubes
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #ElainePaigeOnSunday
Olivia Newton‐John & The Tubes:
🎵 Dancin'
#nowplaying #ElainePaigeOnSunday #olivianewtonjohn #thetubes
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheHueyShow
The Tubes:
🎵 Talk To You Later
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheHueyShow #thetubes
"Famous fans say farewell to the B-52’s"
"After 46 years, the Athens originals are taking off for good later this year. David Byrne, Boy George and more pay tribute to one of the most unusual pop bands ever"
#B52s #Bangles #LeTigre #BoyGeorge #AuPairs #Erasure #Devo #DavidByrne #TalkingHeads #ScissorSisters #TheTubes #FeeWaybill #Berlin #EchoandTheBunnymen
#B52s #bangles #letigre #BoyGeorge #aupairs #erasure #devo #davidbyrne #talkingheads #scissorsisters #thetubes #feewaybill #berlin #echoandthebunnymen
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #CraigCharles
The Tubes:
🎵 White Punks On Dope
#nowplaying #CraigCharles #thetubes
So langsam bricht meine Twitter-Bubble auseinander, werde mich dann wohl in Zukunft hauptsächlich hier rumtreiben. Und damit zieht meine musikalische #Morgenekstase auch hierher um. Ein Tagesbeginn ohne Musik geht gar nicht, und um mir selber in den Hintern zu treten, lass ich heute den Punk steppen. Oder so ähnlich 🤘
The Tubes - White Punks On Dope (1977)
#morgenekstase #thetubes #rockmusic #music #musicvideo #Punks #musik