Oh and I have questions:
Did they agree on being filmed in the bedroom? That seemed weird to me.
Some of the friends seemed like real gems and other did not seem to know neither their "friend" nor their partner of several years. Were they really friends or just acquaintances?
Vanessa. It's Vanessa.
But we don't love Mildred either.
Not sure about Yoly cause, YES Xander & her were cute as hell together but she was kind of dishonest towards Mal.
Have absolutely NO clue what to make of Lexi & Rae. Lexi started off strong and then... don't know.
Am glad Aussi is working on themselves because Sam deserves a healthy relationship.
Am glad Tiff got out of whatever shitshow that relationship with Mildred was.
Hold up. Did the Netflix producers really allow Tiff's abuser come on and just say whatever she wants to and gaslight her? What. The actual. Fuck.
#TheUltimatum #TheUltimatumQueerLove #TheUltimatumQueerLoveFinale
#theultimatum #theultimatumqueerlove #theultimatumqueerlovefinale
I like trash TV, so naturally I'm watching #TheUltimatum on #Netflix. I really want Yoly, Xander, Mal, and Lexi to just start a little polycule. That should be a viable option. Ultimate queer love.
#theultimatum #netflix #theultimatumqueerlove #theultimatumqueerlovefinale
#SunnyFXX #RHOC #NoraFromQueens #Arnold #MAFS #DrPimplePopper #CrackAddicts #TheUltimatumQueerLove #LoveIsBlind #BloodCurse #PumpRules #AEWDynamite #HomeInAHeartbeat #BurdenOfProof #MysteriesOfTheAbandoned #ISurvivedACrime #NBAFinals
#nbafinals #isurvivedacrime #mysteriesoftheabandoned #burdenofproof #homeinaheartbeat #aewdynamite #PumpRules #bloodcurse #LoveIsBlind #theultimatumqueerlove #crackaddicts #drpimplepopper #MAFS #Arnold #NoraFromQueens #rhoc #SunnyFXX
Vanessa Ă© muito putona mesmo. Viu que o relacionamento da Yoly tava indo bem e resolveu que quer casar. Ahhh vaaaaaa #theUltimatumQueerLove
Ăśbrigens, the lesbians are lesbianing very lesbianly on #theUltimatumQueerLove
Are you watching Netflix's #TheUltimatumQueerLove?
https://ti.me/3BUVcV0 #press
Mal é linde também oh deos que bom uma temporada queer para apagar aquela edição lixosa chorumenta e Chernobyl que foi o France. #theUltimatumQueerLove
Ain’t no drama like lesbian drama cuz lesbian drama don’t stop…which is why panelist Karissa couldn’t wait to dive headfirst into Netflix’s #TheUltimatumQueerLove. Emotions. Tears. Nipple piercings. Dog drama. So much talking about feelings! #GPCDCultureClub #Netflix #podcast #podcasts
#podcasts #podcast #netflix #gpcdcultureclub #theultimatumqueerlove
"These mostly lovely people are just not as dramatic or irrational as the genre in which they’ve found themselves. In reality, it’s great. In reality television, it’s a bit of a let down"
@lindsaylwallace reviews #TheUltimatumQueerLove https://ti.me/42cgjwK #press
Netflix's #TheUltimatumQueerLove does not reach the magnitude of mess we expect from reality television and, frankly, know queer people to be capable of, writes @lindsaylwallace
https://ti.me/3oto6Zp #press
#TheFlash #Platonic #TheClearing #AmericanBornChinese #ExpeditionUnknown #ChipNDale #HardFeelings #TheUltimatumQueerLove #BeatShazam #FoodStars #ChicagoMed #ChicagoFire #ChicagoPD #Survivor #JeopardyMasters #PumpRules #MayansMC
#mayansmc #PumpRules #jeopardymasters #survivor #chicagopd #chicagofire #ChicagoMed #foodstars #beatshazam #theultimatumqueerlove #hardfeelings #chipndale #ExpeditionUnknown #americanbornchinese #theclearing #platonic #theflash