The Undeclared War: Una Opinión Sobre la Serie #enredandotemas #TheUndeclaredWar #skyshowtime
#enredandotemas #theundeclaredwar #skyshowtime
Wir sind gerade in der letzten Episode von #TheUndeclaredWar und es ist großartig. Auch wenn mich die "Hacking Bilder" nerven...
#FinishedWatching The Undeclared War.
A mini-drama series on All4 about cyber attacks. The right pace, depth, intrigue and “woah” moments for me. Enjoyed. (In a “oh I really hope that doesn’t happen kind of way”). #TheUndeclaredWar
#finishedwatching #theundeclaredwar
I am really liking #TheUndeclaredWar
It's hard to know what to do with the interiority of the process. They captured it so well with those cut scenes. My wife got it right away and liked it. It made it super easy to talk about #infosec without losing the characters.
Maybe the best popular description of #infosec since Mr. Robot...
Anyone else watching #TheUndeclaredWar ?
I love the way they protray the protagonist's perspective of analyzing the malware. It's a really novel approach I haven't seen before.
My spouse loves it, it makes the process so relatable & compelling.
Started watching The Undeclared War.
Working in software and not only because of that - this speaks to me. I like it.
#TheUndeclaredWar on All4 is terrifying. Feels too close to home. Fabulous, binge-worthy telly.
While I was bedridden though, I watched #TheUndeclaredWar tv show on Peacock. It’s definitely a show with security professionals/hackers in mind. #infosec
#nowwatching #theundeclaredwar on #all4 and really enjoying it. #tvshow
#nowwatching #theundeclaredwar #all4 #TVShow