#Japanese relocation, #California. A view of the quarters at #Manzanar, #California, a War Relocation Authority Center where evacuees of #Japanese ancestry will spend the duration. #MountWhitney, highest peak in #theUnitedStates, is in the background
#japanese #california #manzanar #mountwhitney #theunitedstates
#Stockton, #Calif. Apr. 1942. #Henry i.e., #HarryT.Futamachi, left, superintendant of a #1300-acre mechanized ranch, discussing agricultural problems with the ranch owner, #JohnB.MacKinley. Before evacuation of persons of #Japanese ancestry, #Futamachi, 45, was paid $4000 a year and bonuses. He came to #theUnitedStates 28 years ago with his father. He will be sent to a War Relocation Authority center for the duration of the war
#stockton #calif #henry #harryt #johnb #japanese #futamachi #theunitedstates
#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. #DaveTatsuno, president of the #Japanese-American Citizens League of #SanFrancisco, re-reading college notes as he packs for evacuation and housing in a War Relocation Authority center for the duration of the war. He was graduated from the #University in 1936. He was born in #theUnitedStates and his father operated a drygoods business in #SanFrancisco for 40 years
#sanfrancisco #calif #davetatsuno #japanese #university #theunitedstates
> Here’s a proposal that could end starvation around the globe. Never again need a human being lack the food to live. Never again need a single child or adult suffer the horrors of starvation. Hunger as a danger to anyone can be made a thing of the past. All that is required, apart from basic skills in distributing resources, is 3 percent of the military budget of #TheUnitedStates, or 1.5 percent of all the #MilitaryBudgets in the world.
#DavidSwanson #WorldBeyondWar
#WorldBeyondWar #DavidSwanson #militarybudgets #theunitedstates
In front of city hall, #SanFrancisco, #California. #TheWorkersAlliance,WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) organize simultaneous demonstrations in the large cities of the nation cut in the relief appropriation by #theUnitedStates #Congress
#sanfrancisco #california #theworkersalliance #theunitedstates #congress
#Conservative #tyranny causes #theunitedstates to resemble a #thirdworld country.
#firstworld countries have #universalhealthcare, #livingwages, and #paidsickleave, for instance.
#conservative #tyranny #theunitedstates #thirdworld #firstworld #universalhealthcare #livingwages #paidsickleave
Gizmodo: Lawmakers Urge Biden to End 'Warrantless Government Surveillance' of Sensitive Health Data https://gizmodo.com/lawmakers-biden-end-warrantless-search-of-health-data-1850653034 #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact #unitedstatesdepartmentofhealthandhumanservices #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #presidencyofjoebiden #healthmedicalpharma #theunitedstates #medicalprivacy #humanservices #xavierbeccera #socialissues #pattymurray #gizmodo
#healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact #unitedstatesdepartmentofhealthandhumanservices #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #presidencyofjoebiden #healthmedicalpharma #theunitedstates #medicalprivacy #humanservices #xavierbeccera #socialissues #pattymurray #gizmodo
«Gli #Statiuniti dovrebbero essere una forza per la pace nel mondo»
«Chiediamo al presidente e al Congresso di porre rapidamente fine alla guerra in Ucraina con la diplomazia, soprattutto di fronte ai pericoli che l’escalation militare potrebbe sfuggire al controllo»: questa
The post «Gli #Statiuniti dovrebbero essere una forza per la pace nel mondo» first appeared on il manifesto.
'#TheUnitedStates should be a force for world peace'
"We call on the president and Congress to quickly end the war in Ukraine through diplomacy, especially in the face of the dangers that military escalation could spiral out of control": this
The post "#TheUnitedStates should be a force for world peace" first appeared on il manifesto.
20-5-2023 19:31 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/gli-stati-uniti-dovrebbero-essere-una-forza-per-la-pace-nel-mondo
#statiuniti #theunitedstates #il
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to 16 More Years in Federal Prison for Rape https://jezebel.com/harvey-weinstein-sentenced-to-16-more-years-in-federal-1850146588 #Jezebel #violenceagainstwomenintheunitedstates #sexualmisconduct #harveyweinstein #theunitedstates #aaronpersky #sexscandals #law2ccrime #janedoe #johndoe
#jezebel #violenceagainstwomenintheunitedstates #sexualmisconduct #HarveyWeinstein #theunitedstates #aaronpersky #sexscandals #law2ccrime #janedoe #johndoe
Could Obama Get Dragged Into Biden's Classified Document Scandal? | https://www.theroot.com/could-obama-get-dragged-into-bidens-classified-document-1850026576 #russianinterferenceinthe2016unitedstateselections #unitedstatesdepartmentofjustice #specialcounselinvestigation #presidentsoftheunitedstates #presidencyofbarackobama #familyofbarackobama #politicsbycountry #obamagetdragged #theunitedstates #merrickgarland #barrackobama #donaldtrump #richardhur #mikepence #joebiden #contents #politics
#russianinterferenceinthe2016unitedstateselections #unitedstatesdepartmentofjustice #specialcounselinvestigation #presidentsoftheunitedstates #presidencyofbarackobama #familyofbarackobama #politicsbycountry #obamagetdragged #theunitedstates #merrickgarland #barrackobama #DonaldTrump #richardhur #MikePence #joebiden #contents #Politics
Kotaku: Twitch Star’s Black Lives Matter Post Gets Him TikTok Permaban On MLK Day https://kotaku.com/twitch-hasan-piker-tiktok-permaban-black-lives-matter-1849995907 #gaming #tech #kotaku #raceandcrimeintheunitedstates #raceintheunitedstates #blacklivesmatter #theunitedstates #americansociety #alllivesmatter #raceandsociety #videosoftware #hasanpikeras #martinluther #socialissues #hasanpiker #bytedance #hashtags #twitchtv #ostonox #tiktok #twitch #amazon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #raceandcrimeintheunitedstates #raceintheunitedstates #blacklivesmatter #theunitedstates #americansociety #alllivesmatter #raceandsociety #videosoftware #hasanpikeras #MartinLuther #socialissues #hasanpiker #bytedance #hashtags #twitchtv #ostonox #tiktok #twitch #amazon
Inequality issue really exist in the U.S. http://bit.ly/2Zg5LwC
#inequalityissue #exist #USA #theunitedstates
#fundamental #democracy system idea came from all human beings are equal, right?
#humanbeings #equal
#equal #humanbeings #democracy #fundamental #theunitedstates #usa #exist #inequalityissue