The #Christ #Mystery anoints all physical matter with eternal purpose for the very beginning.
~Richard Rohr, #TheUniversalChrist, p. 20
#theuniversalchrist #mystery #christ
#Christ is God, and Jesus is the Christ's historical manifestation in time.
#Jesus is a Third Someone, not just God and not just man but #God and #human together.
~Richard Rohr, #TheUniversalChrist, p. 19
#christology #theology #theuniversalchrist #human #god #jesus #christ
Our faith became a competitive theology with various parochial theories of salvation, instead of a universal cosmology inside of which all can live with an inherent dignity.
~Richard Rohr, #TheUniversalChrist, p. 17
Ordinary #matter is the hiding place for #Spirit, and thus the very Body of #God.
~Richard Rohr, #TheUniversalChrist, p. 16
#theuniversalchrist #god #spirit #matter
#Jesus came out of an already #Christ-soaked world.
~Richard Rohr, #TheUniversalChrist, p. 15
#theuniversalchrist #christ #jesus
Everything visible, without exception, is the outpouring of #God.
~Richard Rohr, #TheUniversalChrist, p. 13
No despair of ours can alter the reality of things, nor stain the joy of the cosmic dance, which is always there.
—Thomas Merton, 1915–1968
[As quoted in #TheUniversalChrist by Fr. Richard Rohr]
I do not #worship matter. I worship the #God of matter, who became matter for my sake and deigned to inhabit matter, who worked out my #salvation through matter. I will not cease from honoring that matter which works my salvation.
—St. John Damascene, 675–753
[As quoted in #TheUniversalChrist by Fr. Richard Rohr]
#theuniversalchrist #salvation #god #worship
The only really absolute #mysteries in #Christianity are the self-communication of #God in the depths of existence—which we call #grace, and in history—which we call #Christ.
—Fr. Karl Rahner,
Jesuit priest and theologian, (1904–1984)
[As quoted in #TheUniversalChrist by Father Richard Rohr]
#theuniversalchrist #christ #grace #god #christianity #mysteries