#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. A letter of appreciation posted in a show window of #thePacificDryGoodsCompany, 440 #GrantAvenue, in Chinatown. Evacuees of #Japanese descent, who traded here, had received orders to leave under #theUSArmyExclusionOrder No. 20 and to go to #theWarRelocationAuthority centers for the duration of the war
#sanfrancisco #calif #thepacificdrygoodscompany #grantavenue #japanese #theusarmyexclusionorder #thewarrelocationauthority
#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. An early comer arriving at the station from which a contingent of 664 residents of #Japanese ancestry will leave under #theUSArmyExclusionOrder No. 20. The evacuees will be housed in #WarRelocationAuthority centers for the duration of the war
#sanfrancisco #calif #japanese #theusarmyexclusionorder #warrelocationauthority
#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. Two friends, of #Japanese descent, playing a final game of checkers ?) while awaiting evacuation from #SanFrancisco under #theUSArmyExclusionOrder. The evacuees will be sent to a War Relocation Authority center for the duration
#sanfrancisco #calif #japanese #theusarmyexclusionorder