#MilesDavis' #KindofBlue is influential--not just because it's the greatest jazz album of all time. Richard Williams 2009 book, The Blue Moment: Miles Davis's Kind of Blue and the Remaking of Modern Music, makes the case that Kind of Blue influenced everyone from #theVelvetUnderground to #BrianEno. No doubt the album led to the creation of a whole sub-genre, #ECM. After Kind of Blue, #BillEvans never again recorded with Miles Davis. But Evans was just getting started.
#milesdavis #kindofblue #thevelvetunderground #brianeno #ECM #billevans
Uke Tunes: "Sunday Morning – The Velvet Underground"
#music #ukulele #thevelvetunderground
The Velvet Underground - Here She Comes Now
#music #musicandre #thevelvetunderground
The Velvet Underground - Lady Godiva's Operation
#music #musicandre #thevelvetunderground
Heute vor 35 Jahren starb Nico.
The Velvet Underground & Nico "I'll Be Your Mirror" (Warhol film footage) - Invidious
#womeninmusic #thevelvetunderground #nico
"Just What I Needed" is a song by American #rock band #theCars from their #selftitledDebutAlbum (1978). The song, which first achieved radio success as a demo, took inspiration from the #OhioExpress and #theVelvetUnderground. The song is sung by bass player #BenjaminOrr and was written by #RicOcasek. "Just What I Needed" was released as the band's first single in 1978, reaching number 27 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and charting in several other countries.
#rock #thecars #selftitleddebutalbum #ohioexpress #thevelvetunderground #benjaminorr #ricocasek
OK technically not a #punk band ... but I think it counts.
#TheVelvetUnderground | Sister Ray
#punksunday #punkrock #thevelvetunderground #punk
On a bit of a Velvet Underground trip today. Watched this South Bank Show last night, currently listening to White Light / White Heat.
Er werd zelfs een tv serie over hen gemaakt.
In 1972 komen #MalcolmYoung en #AngusYoung samen terecht in de #MarcusHookRollBand met hun broers George en Alex en #HarryVanda.
Malcolm stapt even in de australische band #TheVelvetUnderground ( niet de band van Lou), maar in 1973 richten hij en Angus #ACDC op wanneer ze #DaveEvans, #LarryVanKriedt en #ColinBurgess leren kennen, en worden geboekt om te spelen met oudejaar chequers club, Angus meet zich daar meteen het legendarische schoolkostuum
#malcolmyoung #angusyoung #marcushookrollband #harryvanda #thevelvetunderground #acdc #daveevans #larryvankriedt #colinburgess
Feeling rundown, I have today off and the Brain DJ is happily teasing me about this with –
The Velvet Underground & Nico, "Venus in Furs" (1967)
#Music #TheVelvetUnderground #TheVelvetUndergroundAndNico
"I am tired, I am weary,
I could sleep for a thousand years.
A thousand dreams that would awake me …"
#music #thevelvetunderground #thevelvetundergroundandnico
The Velvet Underground - Loaded: Re-Loaded 45th Anniversary Edition ♫ #AlbumOfTheWeek #SweetJane #TheVelvetUnderground #1970 #2015 #VelvetUnderground #VU
#AlbumOfTheWeek #sweetjane #thevelvetunderground #velvetunderground #vu
"Moe" Tucker
26 augustus 1944
Drumster van de legendarische band #thevelvetunderground en gezien als één van de eerste vrouwelijke drumsters in de rockgeschiedenis.
Haar grote voorbeeld was de Nigeriaanse drummer #BabatundeOlatunji, en ook #CharlieWatts zijn spel vond ze intrigerend, en werd zo verknocht aan de drums.
Ze begon in 1963 op haar 19de te drummen, weg van het zwaar katholieke nest. Toen ze werd gevraagd door #LouReed om The Velvet
#maureentucker #thevelvetunderground #babatundeolatunji #charliewatts #loureed
I stumbled across an excellent documentary by Cam Forreseter on Moe Tucker's drumming. It's pretty niche, but does a great job in explaining the unique drum sound that she gave the Velvet Underground. Well worth a watch. And read the pinned comment from Moe's son on the video page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26Y-qPglJQ0
#VelverUnderground #MoeTucker #TheVelvets #Drumming #TheVelvetUnderground
#velverunderground #moetucker #thevelvets #drumming #thevelvetunderground
#music #thevelvetunderground #rideintothesun A really chilled out instrumental from The Velvet Underground. I’ve always had a soft spot for this…
#rideintothesun #thevelvetunderground #music
@Arlotea Jamás antes oí hablar de este tipo, y menos del disco. Estoy escuchando la canción "Embers I" por curiosidad y hay que estar muy hecho a este tipo de música para que te entre a la primera. Me recuerda a ratos a #MikeOldfield y otras a #JeanMichelJarre, todo mezclado y con un toque a lo #TheVelvetUnderground, al mismo tiemop que en realidad no se parece a nada de eso, No sé. Me es difícil de definir. Una pasada desde luego el detalle del mechero.
#mikeoldfield #jeanmicheljarre #thevelvetunderground
#thevelvetunderground #sisterray #whitelightwhiteheat #bestsongever #smack #searchinformymainline #article #mojo #mojo4music #loureed #johncale #MoeTucker #sterlingmorrison #rocknroll #symphony
#thevelvetunderground #sisterray #whitelightwhiteheat #bestsongever #smack #searchinformymainline #article #mojo #mojo4music #loureed #johncale #moetucker #sterlingmorrison #rocknroll #symphony
#bonjour you all! sending you this gem by #thevelvetunderground: Sweet Sister Ray : imho it's s true masterpiece... https://youtu.be/MFaOyQbDTKs #velvetundergroundsunday
#bonjour #thevelvetunderground #velvetundergroundsunday