r06ue1 · @r06ue1
2 followers · 203 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Just a reminder as to the reason for price increases ("inflation") and the Fed's interest rate increases.

It's all about the Aristocracy trying to put the working class back in their places, under their boot.

[the below is taken from my Twitter]

The people (the workers) began to rebel after the pandemic broke out:

- Early retirement
- Quiet quitting
- Working from home (and refusing to come back to the office)
- Striking
- Organizing Unions
- Demanding better pay and benefits

The result?

The ruling Aristocracy has ordered PAIN for the people. This is being accomplished by:

- Raising prices ("inflation", at a time of record corporate profits)
- Raising interest rates (higher costs to borrow)
- Sabotaging the economy and laying off workers

Media Prescribe More 'Pain' for Workers as Inflation's Only Cure

More evidence of the top 1%, the Aristocracy, is punishing the working class for revolting against Crapitalism.

Millionaire Clinton Advisor Says It’s Time To Punish Workers!

So what's the point of this tweet? Firstly, informational, but second, and hopefully will come from the spreading of this information, the people need to revolt.

actually scared those in power, which is why the wealthy have been pouring billions into moving towards Authoritarianism. We need another mass civil disobedience movement like that but going further to include (s), sit-in's, leafleting, talking to our neighbors and just random people on the street, creating at the local, then state, then federal level, seizing the means of production from the wealthy few and converting the economic system into one of gifting and sharing instead of trading which is what got us to this point.

Basically, we need to start thinking .

I'm linking past tweets below for reference purposes and questions, but also check out , ( and his wonderful book and films) and my blog (see my profile) on direct Democracy, gift economy and free thought for more.


#Unions #inflation #occupywallsteet #generalstrike #directdemocracy #Revolution #thevenusproject #thezeitgeistmovement #peterjoseph

Last updated 2 years ago

r06ue1 · @r06ue1
0 followers · 52 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Questions to ask everyone you meet:

1. Do you hate Wall Street and Banksters?

2. Do you hate your government and how they refuse to represent you but instead only represent the super wealthy?

3. Do you hate the idea that an individual can "earn" a living from yours or others labor, which is no different than slavery and feudalism offered?

4. Do you hate Billionaire Oligarchs and their control over everything, which includes your government, your media, and all of the corporations and Wall Street?

If the answer is yes, then welcome them to the rebellion, instructions provided below.


actually scared those in power, which is why the wealthy have been pouring billions into moving towards Authoritarianism. We need another mass civil disobedience movement like that but going further to include (s), sit-in's, leafleting, talking to us to this point.

Basically, we need to start thinking .

I'm linking past tweets below for reference purposes and questions, but also check out , ( and his wonderful book and films) and my blog (see my profile) on direct Democracy, gift economy and free thought for more.


Getting to a in two simple steps:

1. Take political decision making process out of the hands of the few Demons ruling the world today. Decision making is put in the hands of the majority via .

2. Remove the Demons ability to manipulate the masses by removing their economic hierarchy. This is accomplished by rejecting the use of all money systems which they depend on. In the place of money, gifting, sharing and (limited) barter takes its place.

The few Demons running the world lose all power.

For more on these two very simple concepts and why they end in a :

Direct Democracy:




Gift Economy:


If after reading the above you still don't get how it leads to a , you:

A. Don't understand how the wealthy few at the top will never accept the concept and will do everything in their power (political and economic) to stop it, and

B. You don't understand where Jacque Fresco got his ideas and just how anti-hierarchy (an Anarchist) he really was.

#occupywallsteet #generalstrike #Revolution #thevenusproject #thezeitgeistmovement #peterjoseph #resourcebasedeconomy #directdemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

r06ue1 · @r06ue1
0 followers · 3 posts · Server kolektiva.social

actually scared those in power, which is why the wealthy have been pouring billions into moving towards Authoritarianism. We need another mass civil disobedience movement like that but going further to include (s), sit-in's, leafleting, talking to our neighbors and just random people on the street, creating at the local, then state, then federal level, seizing the means of production from the wealthy few and converting the economic system into one of gifting and sharing instead of trading which is what got us to this point.

Basically, we need to start thinking .

I'm linking past tweets below for reference purposes and questions, but also check out , ( and his wonderful book and films) and my blog (see my profile) on direct Democracy, gift economy and free thought for more.

#occupywallsteet #generalstrike #directdemocracy #Revolution #thevenusproject #thezeitgeistmovement #peterjoseph

Last updated 2 years ago

K :anarchy: pis :fediverse: · @kapis
320 followers · 362 posts · Server social.anartist.org

@Lightrider I was a very active advocate too for the and the a while back but I realized that I had to move to the practice and leave the theory for later. Great to see you around here. Interested in capabilities to improve the world too.

#blockchain #thevenusproject #zeitgeistmovement

Last updated 2 years ago

K :anarchy: pis :fediverse: · @kapis
307 followers · 355 posts · Server social.anartist.org

@capita_picat El fet de tindre una equitat que no te dona cap altra moneda ni el ni el ni .

Que tota moneda siga jo no estic d'acord, de igual forma que no es calitalisme si pot ser

Al fi i al cap es el el que crea el problema ja que no vivim en un mon totalment abundant de recursos com proposava on es puguera eliminar aquest.

#thevenusproject #comerc #softwarelliure #software #capitalisme #bitcoin #faircoin #euro

Last updated 2 years ago

Blender Dumbass · @blenderdumbass
104 followers · 645 posts · Server mastodon.online
EtheRseC · @eTHErSseC
8 followers · 2564 posts · Server canada.masto.host