"We are traumatizing an entire generation."

Wrong. Right-wing conservatives are traumatizing an entire generation.

A specter is haunting America.
The specter of the death of Abrahamic conservatism.

#yourgodisdeath #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine #thevoltareznorharmonicoscillator

Last updated 2 years ago

Now Listening - Supernaut (Trent Reznor Vocals)

I really appreciate all the emails from people visiting my site.

But again, I must stress:

Just as one had to know the music of Richard Wagner to fully understand National Socialism – Nazism -

likewise, in order to fully understand my National Progressive Gnosticism one must “gno” the music of Trent Reznor.

Get listening my budding supernauts!

#1000homodjs #prettygnosticmachine #trentreznor #thevoltareznorharmonicoscillator #gnosticism

Last updated 2 years ago