ZD915 · @zd915
137 followers · 2217 posts · Server qoto.org

流浪地球2, The Wandering Earth II (Блуждающая Земля 2), 2023

Русский с китайцем братья на век! Это про персонажей.

А чего мелочиться. Давайте не с планеты летать, а на планете улетим. Да и вообще, вы хоть представляете, сколько стоит боевой планетоид?!

Китай и Нетфликс. Кто не видел первый фильм - смотрите сначала этот, второй. хронологически так правильно

Новый уровень осмысления технологий недалёкого будущего. Да, китайцы и тут оказались "впереди планеты всей". Нет, фантастику снимали и до них, но тут уровень деталей намного более продуман. Это не мультики от DC, и не "чудесные аппараты, работающие силой мысли" из "Дюны".

Первый фильм, в котором орбитальный лифт работает не на божественной силе.

IMdB: 7.0. и да, и нет. Как общая оценка вполне похоже. Средняя температура в больнице складывается из двух честей. Техническая разработка, замысел, и дизайн графики тянет на 8.2-8.5. Помним, что 10.0 бывает только у гипножабы. А вторая половина оценки 3.0 за пропаганду "великой и всезнающей коммунистической партии". Но всё же не так много по времени, чтобы совсем уж всё испортить.

Рекомендую взрослым. Красиво, есть много нового. Да, так выглядит будущее.
Детям скучно. Слишком нравоучительно. Совсем никаких "пиу-пиу, кия-кия". Подвиги только трудовые, бои только за урожай.


#lang_ru #scifi #wanderingearth2 #БлуждающаяЗемля2 #обзор #ru #thewanderingearth2 #rf #rus

Last updated 1 year ago

César C. · @cvegces
39 followers · 342 posts · Server lile.cl

Me vi , una película china de ciencia ficción apocalítptica espacial, quedando intrigado y moderadamente entretenido. No es tan buena, pero está interesante comparar la variación ideológica en momentos de decisiones cruciales respecto a los gringos.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jay Robbie · @JayRobbie
40 followers · 90 posts · Server mastodon.art

I finished watching Saturday night and it was great! 👏 👏 👏

However, I had a kidney stone attack during the end credits and gave birth to one adorable Sara Rose Robbie after four days of labor (holy #%$@, that was that painful!). See how cute she looks in the image.

So, today, I finally got to watch The end credits scene, and it shed light on the HAL* aspect of the film (from "2001: A Space Odyssey") 👀

*Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer

#wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay Robbie · @JayRobbie
40 followers · 90 posts · Server mastodon.art

I finished watching Saturday night and it was great! 👏👏👏

However, I had a kidney stone attack during the end credits and gave birth to one adorable Sara Penelope Pester after four days of labor (holy #%$@, that was that painful!). See how cute she looks in the image.

So, today, I finally got to watch The end credits scene, and it shed light on the HAL* aspect of the film (from "2001: A Sapce Odyssey") 👀

*Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer

#wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay Robbie · @JayRobbie
40 followers · 88 posts · Server mastodon.art


They actually made a second movie!! 🤯 The first one was awesome!!

The is three hours long and a prequel to the first movie. I've gotten through half of it, and it's great so far, but I have to catch some Zzzz's. If you're a fan of Sci-Fi, you need to see these Chinese movies 👍 Out-of-this-world VFX!

The main premise is that the Sun is going supernova, so mankind builds giant engines on Earth to move it out of the solar system.

#wanderingearth #wanderingearth2 #thewanderingearth2

Last updated 2 years ago

Brianna Wu · @briannawu
14879 followers · 174 posts · Server mstdn.social

Frank took me to see the Chinese language sci-fi movie .

Gotta say, it was pretty surreal to see their depictions of white people, which was mostly us yelling and being irrational about everything, while the Chinese leaders are calm. 😂

Guess this is how every culture on earth feels watching American movies.


Last updated 2 years ago

Imagionwa · @yangwen
0 followers · 31 posts · Server mindly.social

But we still found time to watch two movies, and .
The Wandering Earth 2 has great special effects and a really cool background setting and is a must-see. Full River Red is a comedy historical film, and it's very relaxed and fun to watch.

#thewanderingearth2 #fullriverred

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin C · @kcarr2015
27 followers · 143 posts · Server mstdn.social

is an epic 30 year long episode of a far greater and nutty scheme to save humanity by launching the Earth out of the solar system away from a Sun going nova. It's a prequel to the first movie.

It felt like a live action version of an anime from the 90s that took itself just a bit too seriously, but is still enjoyable, fascinating, and jaw droppingly gorgeous! I guess they blew the budget on the VFX because the multinational actors are hillariously dubbed into non-Chinese.


Last updated 2 years ago