andro aus dem WarningWonderland hier
I won't say goodbye
In the end, it won't matter at all
I'm sure
Und Alle
I won't survive the fall
Und da habe ich Tränen der puren Freude in den Augen gehabt.
Und Gott persönlich scheint das abgemischt zu haben, ihr erster großer Auftritt im Stadttheather Teatro Metropolitan in CDMX, zweimal ausverkauft, Heimspiel, in 8K aufgenommen, bereit für die Eroberung der Welt!
"It's killing me again
I replay it in my head when I'm alone
I hope that you're alone now
It's not me, it's you
The one who never got a clue
Drown in your guilt
If karma doesn't hit you, then I will"
Exit Light, Enter Night
Und lieber einmal mehr unter eas Bett gucken
Gute Nacht
Die sind live einfach unglaublich gut
Gerade veröffentlicht
Live at Teatro Metropolitan
#PauCam, Dull Knives live
#TheShredder Pau, so eine fantastische Künstlerin!
#paucam #theshredder #TheWarning #thewarningarmy
Einfach nur großartig
Die sind so unglaublich gut
Moin und gute Nacht
"You are blind to the nature
Perfect programed disaster
You're my maker but you're not my master
I'm the #error inside
At the end of the day in borrowed time
Everybody must die
It's the #freedom of choice that kills the mind"
#error #freedom #TheWarning #thewarningarmy
Vorher aber erstmal
Red Hands Never Fade
"To tell you to tell me
To tell you that it's alright
When we take another step closer to our demise
To tell you to tell me
To tell you that it's alright
But we know it ain't
'Cause red hands never fade"
"Dust to dust our bones will rust
And we shall start again
Dust to dust our bones will rust
And we shall start again
Hey! Where are you going?
Don't trust all that you hear
Aren't you sick of running?
It's better to stay here"
Dust to Dust
#queenofthemurderscene #TheWarning #thewarningarmy
Wollt Ihr sehr guten Rock and Roll?
Hier entlang
"Watch out, better wash your hands
Watch out, better understand
Watch out 'cause the truth they sell is rarely true
Watch out, 'cause it's coming back for you
I think that we should
I think that we should
I think that we should
I think that we should
I think that we should"
"I'm the error inside
At the end of the day in borrowed time
Everybody must die
It's the freedom of choice that kills the mind
And it hurts you to just think of it
You can free me but you don't I'm the error you hide
But you will always want me so"
So Großartig!
"Kill the system
Kill the man
Strip the power from their hands
Your eyes will bleed as you stare at the screen
You shall remain
Inside your space
2, 3, Go!"
You've been warned
Unglaublich wie Pau ihre Sticks zerstört und sich einen neuen holt ohne auch nur einen Beat zu verpassen, mit 14, unfassbar!
Großartige Performance
Ein in Platin gegossener Rock and Roll Song, so gut!
"I've already collapsed
So I'll just drown my sorrows in a nonexistent world
I don't know what is worse
The utter waste of time or the eroding of my mind
Alive means to be dead
A bullet to the head"
#animosity #TheWarning #thewarningarmy
Pau, die Beste Trommlerin der Welt am Klavier mit einem CreepCover