Dekazeta :vf: · @dekazeta
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Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
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The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Wednesday 30 June 1897

Wells, back in his own mind, and taking advantage of the free trains running from Waterloo, returns to Woking to be reunited with his wife.

While Toni receives word from her friend (Well’s brother) that he had survived the war in a French refugee camp.

And for those still with us we explore what the future will bring for those who have shared their lives with us during this fictionalised docudrama, starting with the 1900 election and David Lloyd George’s landside victory that resulted in Salisbury’s coalition of Unionists and Conservatives being reduced to a mere rump as the Liberals win 54% of the vote, while the Labour Representation Committee, later to become the Labour Party, wins 25%.

Photograph: David Lloyd George (Taken: 31 December 1918)

Photograph: Refugees returning to London (Source: Image of Belgium Refugees arriving in England in the first months of WW1)

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
7 followers · 36 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Tuesday 29 June 1897
To Commemorate Victory Over the Martians'

As the Daily Mail resumes publication with a special commemorative edition, Wells recovers sufficiently to bid farewell to London, but before he leaves he ventures out one more time to observe the return of its inhabitants.

And for Toni, released from the massive responsibility of operating the only functioning ‘hospital’ in London, her mind can turn to other things – like what to do now, and what the future might look like.

Photograph: Refugees returning to London (Source: Image of Belgium Refugees arriving in England in the first months of WW1)

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Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
7 followers · 35 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Monday 28 June 1897

As HG Wells wanders through London in a fugue, the city begins to return to life around him.

Today the Queen attends a service in Balmoral to mourn those lost.

And for Toni, this is a defining day. For much of July, she’s been at the forefront of things. Now, there’s an attempt to shunt aside the women who stepped up when others didn’t.

Photograph: Queen Victoria with The Prince of Wales. The Duke of York and Prince Edward of York. (Source The Royal Collection Aug 1899)

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Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
7 followers · 34 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Sunday 27 June 1897

With the news that the Martian’s are dead, the army moves south to restore order, even as Queen Victoria acts to seize and protect all Martian artifacts by establishing to take ownership of all property previously belonging to the Martians.

Once again, Toni has little time to speculate on much except saving lives. However, her diary references her growing understanding of the politics of the time.

Illustration: Rotch Wood begins its work Original illustration by Henrique Alvim Corrêa for the 1906 edition of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds"

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Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
7 followers · 33 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Friday 26 June 1897
'The Cost of Deliverance'

Despite the momentous events of the preceding day, Toni and Grace have no time to spend sitting around. There are too many people still needing help. Apart from a brief description of the end of Saturday’s trek. Toni continues to assist the infirm.

As we accompany Wells to the Martian’s last redoubt at Primrose Hill, from where he can look down upon the ruins of London, news reaches the Continent that the Martians are dead and aid begins to roll in.

Photograph: Source US National Archives 239-RC-90-3 (Palermo WW2)

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Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 32 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Friday 25 June 1897
'Cry: Ulla, Ulla, Ulla'

Today, we follow Wells (to some extent a victim of the Martians) as he passes through the heart of an apparently dead London, witnessed only by the mournful cry of ‘Ulla Ulla Ulla’ in the distance.

Against this, Toni’s diary chronicles the events of this momentous day through the eyes of a survivor. Even though strange sounds echo through London, she and Elizabeth Cadbury make the trek north to collect more supplies for the hospital. Along the way, they encounter an empty Martian machine, and the first incredulous seeds of hope are sown.

Illustration: ‘The Handling Machine' by Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from the 1906 Belgium (French language) edition of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds", 1906.

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 31 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Thursday 24 June 1897
'A Meeting of Future Enemies'

On the edge of Wimbledon Common Wells meets the artilleryman he first met at Woking so many days before. The artilleryman has not seen any Martians for 5 days and they discuss his plans for resistance.

And FOR THE FIRST TIME we disclose the identity of Wells' 'artilleryman'.

In London Toni continues to be thankful for those who were left or stayed behind. Edith Cavell, who would, during The German War, be shot by the Germans for helping soldiers of both side, organises the nursing staff at Queen Anne’s Mansion, and the oldies who have found purpose despite their abandonment.

Toni continues to struggle with her own feelings of abandonment by the government of the day, and we begin to see her political awakening as she starts to appreciate that there may be more beyond achieving the vote. Now she has begun to question who should be in government.

Today is also the last we hear of Morant, who disappears while leading a force to release any humans still held prison in the Martian’s redoubt on Primrose Hill.

Photograph: ‘The Artilleryman in a photograph taken shortly after the Martian War’.

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 30 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today is Wednesday 23 June 1897
'Wells Escapes the House'

Wells is drawn out of the house he had been imprisoned in Sheen by the sight of a dog fossicking around the Martian pit. Over the course of the day we follow his progress through Kew before he breaks into the inn at the top of Putney Hill to spend the night.

While elsewhere in London, Morant is focussed on a tripod that had been found motionless in Lambeth.

Illustration: ‘Martian over the Thames’. Original illustration by Henrique Alvim Corrêa for the 1906 edition of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds"

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 29 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Monday 21 June 1897
'A Deserted London'

The reduction in the number of Martians patrolling London allows the NUWSS hospital to open quietly (see photograph). Red weed continues to choke the streets, and people still have to hide from the Martians to access help, but the wireless communication and organisation from the surviving NUWSS members provide hope for survivors.

Still at his underground base Morant and his followers toast Queen Victoria for her accession to the throne in 1837. This would have been the day of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

Photograph: Source: Museum of the City of New York / Byron Co. Collection - photograph late 1890s or early 1900's)

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 27 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Monday 21 June 1897
'Wells' Slow Recovery'

Wells continues to slowly build up his strength prior to leaving from the house he has now been confined to for 13 days.

Toni’s diary chronicles an epic journey from Queen Anne’s Mansions to Bryanston Square in the quest for more equipment and medicines. She and Grace Stewart undertook the journey alone. In normal days, a round trip of 6.5km would take about an hour and a half. This journey took an entire day.

Elsewhere in London, Morant continues to pester Marie Curie to provide him with weapons, even as the flood of refugees passing along the escape routes he and Brown established appears endless.

Photograph: Waterloo Station, taken in 1902.

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 26 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Sunday 20 June 1897
'The Martian’s Camp on Hampstead Heath'

From a historical perspective, we are beginning to see that determination, organisation, and competence, lead to results that have far reaching consequences. As does the opposite.

We continue to see the @NUWSS’ organisational abilities with outposts now in regular contact now via radio. In her diary Toni notes the increasing difficulty of moving through London because of the Red Weed which has clogged London’s waterways and caused the Thames to break its banks.

In Woking we witness the determined assault on the Martian’s pit, while in London Morant delivers the eulogy for Pierre Currie at a small commemoration service held in the undercroft at Westminster.

Photograph: Crypt Chapel (Chapel of St Mary Undercroft), Westminster, taken in 1905

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 25 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Saturday 19 June 1897 'Silence'

Wells finally emerges from the house he had been confined for 11 days, to the sound of — silence.

In London, Toni’s diary continues to demonstrate the determination and organisational skills of the suffragists. And once again, we see Elizabeth Cadbury’s exemplary leadership qualities demonstrated.

Elsewhere in the greatest city on Earth, Morant records that one of the men who had taken the heat-ray off him had turned up with the news that Pierre Curie had been trying to get the heat ray to work at a lab in Oxford when it exploded, killing him instantly.

Outside the city, Commander Carver and Maxim finish their plans for a combined attack against the Martians in the Woking Pit, an attack that will be undertaken from both the air, and ground.
And we consider the report on an examination of the Martian’s machines recovered by Lieutenant Dullanty, undertaken at Roche Wood under the direction of Sir J Dullanty (the Lieutenant’s father).

And discuss an explanation for why the Martian’s only launched a restricted number of capsules.

Illustration: "Death of the Curate' by Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from the 1906 Belgium (French language) edition of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds", 1906. A scan from the original graphic. ( - In Public Domain

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 24 posts · Server

'The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Friday 18 June 1897 'The Circus Massacre'

The infamous ‘Circus Massacre’ is well known to historians, and Toni’s view of what occurred is blunt. However, with historians now estimating that 1.25 million people remained in London throughout the War, the Massacre could have been predicted.

Today, Commander Carver, his 30 men plus field-gun, enter Ripley, just outside Woking where they encounter Persephone who escorts them to meet Maxim, her grandfather. Maxim explains his belief that the tower the Martians have erected is much more than a simple beacon and explains how he plans to destroy it from the air.

Still confined to the house in Sheen, Wells is forced to knock the Curate out when he draws the attention of the Martians with his prayers.
The infamous ‘Circus Massacre’ is well known to historians, and Toni’s view of what occurred is blunt. However, with historians now estimating that 1.25 million people remained in London throughout the War, the Massacre could have been predicted.

Today, Commander Carver, his 30 men plus field-gun, enter Ripley, just outside Woking where they encounter Persephone who escorts them to meet Maxim, her grandfather. Maxim explains his belief that the tower the Martians have erected is much more than a simple beacon and explains how he plans to destroy it from the air.

Still confined to the house in Sheen, Wells is forced to knock the Curate out when he draws the attention of the Martians with his prayers.

Photograph: 'Hiram Maxim's 1894 Flying Machine' - In Public Domain

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 21 posts · Server

Yesterday Tuesday 15 June 1897

'On the Martian's Smelting of Aluminium'

We're half-way through the month, half of which Wells and the curate have spent confined to their Sheen prison. Today we join Wells as he continues to observe the mining operation the Martians have set up in the pit.

In London, Morant has pulled together a team to capture a heat ray. However, on their return they will be ambushed by a group of civilians who claim to be from the 4th Coy. Coldstream Guards.

Today, Toni’s diary reminds us that even the strong have moments of fear. And once again, her writing foreshadows changes to come.

East of London, Lieutenant Carver and his scratch unit arrive at Tilbury to find the Ferry tied up at the quay and covered with corpses. While further West, Lieutenant Dullanty (4th Coy. Coldstream Guards) arrives at Greenwich without having been spotted by the Martians.

Illustration: 'The Heat Ray' Original Artwork by Jade Zivanovic for Hague Publishing © 2023

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 20 posts · Server

The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Monday 14 June 1897 'The Red Weed'

Given the impact of the Martian’s Red Weed on England’s urban and country environments we take a short detour to consider the plants that for a short time drowned much of England in a sea of red.

In London, the entries in Toni’s diary offers essential reading for the modern historian to properly understand the sweeping political changes that occurred after 1897. Many historians speculate that without ‘The Line’ and the anger it caused, the changes to society that swept from London, and indeed into the wider world, would have taken many more decades.

The Curies continue to collect evidence that the Martians are highly susceptible to arsenic.

Lt Dullanty decides to move his two platoons closer to London, setting up a heligraph in Greenwich to maintain contact with Tilbury Fort, while Commander Carver marches his ragtag group.

Things may be getting a bit crowded in London 😉

‘The Red Weed’. Original illustration by Henrique Alvim Corrêa for the 1906 edition of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds"

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 19 posts · Server

'The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Sunday 13 June 1897 'The Battle for Didcot'

Despite the loss of 3 tripods the Martians continue a cautious push northward, reaching the outskirts of Didcot today, and forcing battle.

In London, Toni explains how the leaders of the suffragists survived the Martian black smoke, and mentions the ‘Red Weed’ for the first time.

While Morant dispatches foraging parties to supplement dwindling food stocks. HMS Majestic, flagship of the Channel Squadron reports sighting a flying disc that circles over the fleet.

By the end of the day, due to the number of civilians killed during the Martian’s attack on Didcot, the army decide to evacuate all non-combatants within 10 miles of further north.

Illustration: r of book ED Marquand' - Flowers of Guernsey and the Less Channel Islands’
Copyright Forgotten Books. Included with the permission of Forgotten Books, check them out at

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Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 18 posts · Server

'The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today Saturday 12 June 1897 'The Mk1 Gas Mask is released'

In London, once again Toni’s diary has only a few entries for the day, but they are important ones – documenting decisions to make sure they remain safe, research on the black smoke, and the frightening sounds made by the Martians during their patrols.

Morant’s guests, Marie and Pierre Curie, become fixated (according to Morant) on the idea that the Martians are unable to digest arsenic.

Commander Carver, now behind enemy lines with a small scratch group of 25 (Marines, Horse Guards, and misc. stragglers) prepares to march on Woking to destroy the radio mask erected by the Martians.

Photograph: The Mk 1 Gas Mask

#alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 17 posts · Server

'The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Today, Friday 11 June 1897, 'The Queen, the PM, and the Martian'

The Queen arrives at Balmoral, much to the distress of the British Government who had arranged for her to travel to Paris, and the first description of the Martians is obtained when a recovered Martian corpse is rushed to the Estate in Scotland for autopsy.

In London, the scarcity of entries in Toni’s diary today shows how the group has been almost overwhelmed with the situation. However, they continue to organize and today ‘elect’ Elizabeth Cadbury as their commander-in-chief.

Morant’s escape route now permits refugees to get as far as Finchley Road Station using the underground. From there a network of safe houses has been set up to take refugees to a staging point 30 miles northeast of London.

Original Illustration: The body of the dead Martian is rushed to Rotch Wood aboard a 'special' guarded by a detachment from the Coldstream Guards 4th Coy (special ops) - Copyright Hague Publishing 2023.

#rotchwood #alternatehistory #althistory #scifi #thewaroftheworlds #hgwells

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew J. Harvey · @andrewjharvey
6 followers · 15 posts · Server

'The War of the Worlds - In Real Time'

Today Tuesday 9 June 1897
'The Martians Seize London'

As the British government flees to Birmingham and London panics, Wells becomes trapped with the curate in a house in Sheen, when the 6th Martian cylinder lands next door, collapsing the building on top of them.

Today the government establishes the -Cecil-Line which follows the Great Western Railway’s mainline from London to Bristol, and we catch up with Lt Carver on board HMS Thunder Child who is tasked with assisting with the Queen’s evacuation to France.

We meet the inventor Hiram Maxim (the inventor of the Maxim Machine Gun) who is watching the Woking Pit where the Martians have erected a massive tower. And Sir J Dullanty (chemist, engineer, inventor, and philanthropist) whose Scottish estate (Rotch Wood) abutted Balmoral enters the story for the first time.

For Toni, today is a day of fear, tears, and emotional fatigue. Toni is a strong independent woman, but even the strongest must acknowledge their fears.

'The War of the Worlds - in real time'
Posted throughout June at and on twitter at

Illustration: 'The Gascoyne-Cecil-Line' Original New Title applied

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