When "The Sit-In" documentary aired in 2021, PBS interviewed two of the filmmakers: director Yoruba Richen and producer Joan Walsh.
This 8ish-minute segment gives a bit of the backstory of how Harry Belafonte came to sit in for Johnny Carson; the array of guests from Lena Horne to MLK, Jr.; and the impact of this historic week of television on viewers in the U.S.
#HarryBelafonte #civilRights #politics #VietnamWar #theWarOnPoverty #television #history #RIP
#RIP #History #television #thewaronpoverty #vietnamwar #Politics #civilrights #harrybelafonte
When "The Sit-In" documentary first aired in 2021, PBS NewsHour interviewed two of the filmmakers: director Yoruba Richen and producer Joan Walsh.
This 8ish-minute segment gives a bit of the backstory of how Harry Belafonte came to sit in for Johnny Carson; the array of guests from Lena Horne to MLK, Jr.; and the impact of this historic week of television on viewers in the U.S.
#HarryBelafonte #civilRights #politics #VietnamWar #theWarOnPoverty #theSixties #TV
#TV #thesixties #thewaronpoverty #vietnamwar #Politics #civilrights #harrybelafonte