#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. A scene at #theWartimeCivilControlAdministration station where the #first group of 664 persons of #Japanese ancestry from #SanFrancisco, registered before going to War Relocation Authority centers
#sanfrancisco #calif #thewartimecivilcontroladministration #first #japanese
#Hayward, #Calif. Apr. 1942. A farmer of #Japanese ancestry at #theWartimeCivilControlAdministration, preparatory to evacuation and going to a War Relocation Authority center for the duration of the war
#hayward #calif #japanese #thewartimecivilcontroladministration
#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. A view of #theWartimeCivilControlAdministration station of 2020 #VanNessAvenue on April 6, when the #first group, of 664 persons of #Japanese ancestry, was evacuated from #SanFrancisco. Evacuees were to be housed in #WarRelocationAuthority centers for the duration
#sanfrancisco #calif #thewartimecivilcontroladministration #vannessavenue #first #japanese #warrelocationauthority
#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. Young residents of #Japanese ancestry awaiting a bus at #theWartimeCivilControlAdministration station. They are part of the #first group of 664 #SanFrancisco evacuees to be housed in #WarRelocationAuthority centers for the duration
#sanfrancisco #calif #japanese #thewartimecivilcontroladministration #first #warrelocationauthority