'I want to mirror the past for it not to happen in the future'
- Ahmad Bahrami on The Wastetown and making films in Iran https://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/feature/2023-01-12-ahmad-bahrami-on-the-wastetown-and-making-films-in-iran-feature-story-by-amber-wilkinson #TheWastetown #PÖFF26 #IranianFilm #film #Iran
#thewastetown #poff26 #iranianfilm #film #iran
"This is a story in triplicate and the restraint of the performances and the use of sound design as much as visuals to bring home the shock of violence all add to the film’s brooding brutality." - we look at Ahmad Bahrami's The Wastetown https://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/review/the-wastetown-2022-film-review-by-amber-wilkinson #film #TheWastetown #poff26