*mind explodes*
That's why he's named Carrot - because he's the temptation that people follow. I just got this after thirty years.
damnit, #Pterry! Always so far ahead of us! (p e)
#pterry #discworld #carrotironfounderson #thewatch
I listen to #TheWatch, a podcast from 2 working Hollywood scriptwriters. "Masterclass" is the exact terminology they have used.
They also interviewed #TonyGilroy, showrunner of #Andor, several times in 2022.
They arrived!!!!! Love the covers!
(Gollanz publisher, Guards! Guards! + Feet of Clay)
#books #currentlyreading #thewatch #SamVimes #discworld
#TheWatch ist okay und am besten, wenn es seine Geschichte erzählt.
ABER: Die ganzen Zitate auf die Scheibenwelt sind krass durcheinander gewürfelt. Die Hauptidee soll wohl Guards! Guards! sein. Aber F*ng Carcer beschwört den Drachen als ein 0815 Bösewicht und hat eine Haßliebe mit Vimes am Laufen? Und Wonse ist eine Magierin? Egal ob w/m/d, das passt doch alles nicht. Weniger wäre mehr gewesen.
Hoffentlich ist das nicht die einzige Chance für die Watch im Tv...
Schade, am Rest zerfällt die ganze Story. #TheWatch #BBCAmerica #Discworld
Die Bedrohung hat sowieso nie funktioniert, der einzelne Drache hätte ganz schön zu tun, die ganze Welt zu verbrennen und die ganze Belohnung des "Bösen" war der Tod.
Selbst Lupin Wonse Schnörkel pp. hatte in den Büchern einen besseren Plan als das.
#thewatch #bbcamerica #discworld
Langer Text, warum alles an #TheWatch falsch ist. Aber ich mag es bisher trotzdem.
Bis auf #Detritus' Tod und Tod. Ich mein, w t f. #Disworld
Do you like bread? #TheWatch #Discworld #BBC #TerryPratchett
#thewatch #discworld #bbc #terrypratchett
Just finished #TheWatch, and I enjoyed it for what it is. I’m also totally unbiased as someone who recognizes many of the filming locations from Cape Town. 😆
In other news, caught #TheWatch being mentioned, and thought, #Pratchett-inspired, #Discworld #GuardsGuards
So I dutifully downloaded the first series from #BBCiPlayer via youtube-dl, all ready to watch.
Watched 10 minutes of the first one, and immediately decided it wasn't for me, deleted all eight episodes.
Really couldn't get on with some of the actor choices, especially those playing Vimes; Carrot; or Vetinari. And Death just looked like some poor robot they'd dressed in a cloak.
#discworld #bbciplayer #thewatch #pratchett #guardsguards
RT @tomorgel
Hm. Also ich muss sagen: solange ich #TheWatch im Kopf von 'Pratchett' trenne, hat es einen unleugbaren Charme irgendwo zwischen 'Juggers', 'Vagrant Queen' und 'The Outpost', mit gelegentlichen Momenten, die ihn deutlich besser machen als z.B. 'Krypton'. …
RT @EsmeWeatherwax4
@Sk1mble @LEVEL81_ @CBR @ReallyEatonKent @dwmoook @terryandrob I've been watching all the episodes of #TheWatch and it's not getting any better. Even ignoring the books, the dialogue is atrocious and the plotting and pacing is inconsistent and all over the place. The humour is forced and terrible too.
RT @Lee_Tennant
#TheWatch has managed to jettison everything that made Pratchett enjoyable while ensuring that nobody who didn't read the books will know what the fuck is going on.
RT @victoria_venery
Watched #thewatch and my biggest question is what the fuck is Richard Dormer doing with his face?
RT @FixatedOn
Oh dear. The librarian in #TheWatch looks like a Planet Of The Apes reject from the 60s...
Diese Ami-Version der Wache ist zwar irgendwie nice, aber mit #Pratchett hat das alles eher oberflächlich zu tun.
Also, man kann daran Spass haben, aber sollte die Romane besser ganz weit weg legen. Sonst fliegen sie möglicherweise ins lokale Wiedergabegerät.
I'm torn about the Sybil actress, though. I always pictured Sybil thicker for some reason. Was that in the books? Was it wishful thinking?
"‘Game of Thrones’ actor Richard Dormer leads the cast as Sam Vimes." I'll take it!
I'm getting excited for #TheWatch