Yeah. Rae Garvey's falsetto "woo!" grates on my nerves badly. Not his fault. Martin Rütter's voice (#DerHundeprofi another show) has me clenching my fists, too, whenever I hear it. Dunno why.
Anyway, #SchuhSchnabel was the weakest, but had the better presentation, IMO.
#Kangaroo... Meh.
I already forgot voodoo stuffed elephant's name.
It's difficult to say who's #TheWeakestLink in such meh company.
#derhundeprofi #schuhschnabel #kangaroo #theweakestlink #TheMaskedSinger #maskedsingerde #trashtv
Kevin McCarthy you are #TheWeakestLink #Insurrectionist
#insurrectionist #theweakestlink
Catching up on #TheWeakestLink UK. Congratulations to Tia Kofi who dressed as RuPaul from Ru's appearance on #WeakestLink US in 2001.
God what have we done to deserve the weakest link on our TV if we can't have Anne back then let's not rehash this #theweakestlink
I quite like Romesh as the host of this. He's made it his own. #TheWeakestLink