"Goodnight, Irene" or "Irene, Goodnight," is a 20th-century American #folkStandard, written in 34 time, first recorded by American #blues musician #HuddieLeadBellyLedbetter in 1933. A version recorded by #theWeavers was a #1 hit in 1950. The lyrics tell of the singer's troubled past with his love, Irene, and express his sadness and frustration. Several verses refer explicitly to suicidal fantasies.
#folkstandard #blues #huddieleadbellyledbetter #theweavers
"If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)" is a #protestSong written by #PeteSeeger and #LeeHays. It was written in 1949 in support of the #ProgressiveMovement, and was first recorded by #theWeavers, a #folkMusic quartet composed of Seeger, Hays, #RonnieGilbert, and #FredHellerman. It was a #10 hit for #PeterPaulAndMary in 1962 and then went to #3 a year later when recorded by #TriniLopez in 1963.
#protestsong #peteseeger #leehays #progressivemovement #theweavers #folkmusic #ronniegilbert #fredhellerman #peterpaulandmary #trinilopez
"Gotta Travel On" is an American #folksong. The earliest known version was printed in #CarlSandburg's #TheAmericanSongbag in 1927 under the title "Yonder Comes the High Sheriff" and several variations were recorded in the 1920s, but the best known version is credited to #PaulClayton, #TheWeavers, Larry Ehrlich, and Dave Lazer and was first recorded by #PeteSeeger in 1958.A cover by #BillyGrammer reached #4 on the #USPopChart, #5 on the #USCountryChart.
#folksong #carlsandburg #theamericansongbag #paulclayton #theweavers #peteseeger #billygrammer #uspopchart #uscountrychart
A new/old #AllThingsAcoustic was just made available for free online streaming, 24/7. The 18 November 2022 show was a re-broadcast of a show from 15 November 2013.
The show starts with #ShawnColvin, #TheWeavers, #TomWaits, #Nightingale, #StarkSands with #PunchBrothers, #BrianMiller and RandyGosa.
#brianmiller #punchbrothers #starksands #nightingale #tomwaits #theweavers #shawncolvin #allthingsacoustic
a new intro for a new server:
i'm a writer & DJ on #freeform #WFMU. i co-host the official #gratefuldead podcast & enjoy the half ironic #deadfreaksunite tag. i've written books on #yolatengo, #psychedelics, & #peteseeger & #theweavers, & currently (slowly!) researching a new history of grey area recordings, with fan-recordists of #radio, #bluegrass, #opera, #jazz, unofficial #mixtapes, #DJ sets, & much else. here for #musodon, really.
#freeform #wfmu #gratefuldead #deadfreaksunite #yolatengo #psychedelics #peteseeger #theweavers #radio #bluegrass #opera #jazz #mixtapes #dj #musodon
not sure i've ever used a hashtag with a straight face, but here goes one o' them intros. i'm a writer & DJ on #freeform #WFMU. i co-host the official #gratefuldead podcast & enjoy the half ironic #deadfreaksunite tag. i've written books on #yolatengo, #psychedelics, & #peteseeger & #theweavers, & currently (slowly!) researching a new history of grey area recordings, with fan-recordists of #radio, #bluegrass, #opera, #jazz, unofficial #mixtapes, #DJ sets, & much else. here for #musodon, really.
#musodon #dj #mixtapes #Jazz #opera #bluegrass #Radio #theweavers #peteseeger #psychedelics #yolatengo #deadfreaksunite #gratefuldead #wfmu #freeform