Connaissez-vous #theweek ? 3 reportages à visionner en groupe qui résument bien la situation #climatique et son #urgence sur différents tableaux , avec une idée clair de ce vers quoi nous nous dirigeons dans l’état actuel en 2050… a recommander !
Gestartet wurde #TheWeek von Frederic Laloux und Helene Gerin , die sich mit Freund*innen zur Zukunft des Planeten ausgetauscht haben.
Und vor Kurzem haben Mitarbeitende des Team Green der Vodafone, der Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft und @wetell gemeinsam die drei Video-Sessions von "The Week" geschaut und diskutiert. Dabei geht es nicht darum andere zu überzeugen, sondern für sich zu verstehen, wie man selbst handeln oder nicht handeln möchte.
Wenn ihr Interesse habt, probiert es auch und teilt gerne hier in den Kommentaren eure Erfahrungen. Vielleicht kennt ihr "The Week" ja auch schon. Dann erzählt uns: wie ging es euch damit? Hat sich für euch nach den Videos und der Diskussion etwas verändert? Habt ihr z.B. aus den Beispielen neue Hoffnung geschöpft? Wir freuen uns auf eure Rückmeldungen! Und wir freuen uns, dass so starke Mitstreiter*innen auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Welt zu haben!
#Carcinoma alla tiroide A Reggio 250 pazienti
Nella settimana dedicata alla ghiandola, il dottor Zini ne spiega le fragilità: "Una donna nella sua vita ha il 20% di possibilità di incorrere in una malattia".
Thyroid carcinoma In Reggio 250 patients
In #theweek dedicated to the gland, Dr Zini explains its fragility: 'A woman in her lifetime has a 20 per cent chance of incurring the disease'.
26-5-2023 7:57 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
Una persona denunciata, 4 contravvenzioni e due minori rintracciati: il bilancio settimanale della polizia ferroviaria
Il bilancio del compartimento polizia ferroviaria per le #Marche, #Umbria e #Abruzzo nella settimana appena trascorsa vede anche 2.381 identificati e 163 servizi di vigilanza in stazione
One person reported, #four fines and two minors traced: the railway police's #weekly balance sheet
The balance sheet of the railway police department for #Marche, #Umbria and #Abruzzo in #theweek just ended also shows #2,381 persons identified and 163 station guard services
29-4-2023 19:51 #IlPescara
#marche #umbria #abruzzo #four #weekly #theweek #ilpescara
The new project of Frédéric Laloux (Reinventing Organisations): #TheWeek. Watching 3 documentaries of 1 hour, followed by a guided conversation, to make sense of and start acting on the #ClimateEmergency.
Theweek - mass awakening to fight the environmental crises.
Today I hosted the first run of #theweek in my company. Well, the first of three sessions,to be precise.
It seams to work.
Why the heck do I seem to be the first to toot about this???
Go and start a session as well!!
REALLY enjoying reading #TheWeek.
I always felt reading #news in print was better than online because, besides the editorial line, if there is one, it offers you a view in things you wouldn't have necessarily looked for.
Algorithms put blinkers on your view of the world.
#socialmedia #media #news #theweek
60% of the #USA's #computerscience and #maths #PhD's are foreign born.
#immigration #uk #Education
#theweek #education #UK #immigration #phd #maths #computerscience #usa
"The dire consequences of the world's 'relentless' warming oceans" by Devika Rao for #TheWeek:
The Week USA – December 17, 2022.pdf 15.86 MB
The Week UK – 03 December 2022.pdf 27.27 MB
#theweek #politics #china #xi @adam love these xi character cartoon covers
Ukraine drones strike deep into Russia:
#yahoo! #yahoo!news #yahoo #yahoonews #peterweber #theweek #ukraine #drones #dronestrike #russia #russo-ukrainewar #russoukrainewar
#yahoo #yahoonews #PeterWeber #theweek #ukraine #drones #dronestrike #russia #russo #RussoUkraineWar