#BTW: #IF you can't #Remember who/what a #NatalieElphicke is; here's a #SingularExample of how she likes to #Spend #TheWeekend...
#Pointing at a #RatherSmart #LittleBoat by #Herself on an #EmptyBeach...
#NextUp; she's off to #LickTheSpoons and #ShoutAtTraffic in #Dover...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎈🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹🎈
#btw #if #remember #natalieelphicke #singularexample #spend #theweekend #pointing #rathersmart #littleboat #herself #emptybeach #nextup #lickthespoons #shoutattraffic #dover
@selzero (@PSiReN@vmst.io @selzero@vmst.io)
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingWelshCakeNotNews... #NotQuiteBiscuits; but, also #NotQuiteCake; but, #Still... #DefinitelyWelsh...
Also... #IT's #TheWeekend; #JustInCase you #MissedIT...
🧙⚒️🤖🐺🤖⚒️🧙 | 🎠🦹☕🐻☕🦹🎠
#notnews24 #unbreaklingwelshcakenotnews #notquitebiscuits #notquitecake #still #definitelywelsh #it #theweekend #justincase #missedit
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingItsTheWeekendNotNews... #IT's #TheWeekend...!
#InternationalDogDay is #ComingUpSoon... (26th August) #DoggoDay, #Peoples...! #VeryForwardPlanning
#InterdimensionalDoggoDay! #JustAddDoggoes... And #Pizza...! And #Biscuits, maybe...
By: #ThePowerOfPizzaToppings...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ⚛️🎠🦹🐻🦹🎠⚛️
#notnews24 #unbreaklingitstheweekendnotnews #it #theweekend #internationaldogday #comingupsoon #doggoday #peoples #veryforwardplanning #interdimensionaldoggoday #justadddoggoes #pizza #biscuits #thepowerofpizzatoppings
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingItsTheWeekendNotNews... #IT's #TheWeekend...!
#InternationalDogDay is #ComingUpSoon... (26th August) #DoggoDay, #Peoples...! #VeryForwardPlanning
#InterdimensionalDoggoDay! #JustAddDoggoes... And #Pizza...! And #Biscuits, maybe...
By: #ThePowerOfPizzaToppings...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ⚛️🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠⚛️
#notnews24 #unbreaklingitstheweekendnotnews #it #theweekend #internationaldogday #comingupsoon #doggoday #peoples #veryforwardplanning #interdimensionaldoggoday #justadddoggoes #pizza #biscuits #thepowerofpizzatoppings
Had the pleasure of seeing #TheWeekend at #TheBelvoir theatre this afternoon. Great performances, challenging but well worth it. I hope you can catch it. #belvoir #thearts #ArtsMatter
#theweekend #thebelvoir #belvoir #thearts #artsmatter
#IT's nearly #TheWeekend (again)...
#WelcomeToMyWeek; #Expressed through #TheMediumOfSocks | #AllRugySocksMatter
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#it #theweekend #welcometomyweek #expressed #themediumofsocks #allrugysocksmatter
Si les gusta las rolas de #TheWeekend hay un setlist de canciones famosonas en #LoFi version para que puedan trabajar/concentrarse a gusto
#HappyHand ai nastri di partenza "L’inclusività è la parola d’ordine"
Sport e solidarietà protagonisti del weekend. Mini-olimpiade e festa del baratto tra le iniziative
#HappyHand at the starting line 'Inclusiveness is the watchword'
Sport and solidarity were the stars of #theweekend. Mini-Olympics and barter festival among the initiatives
26-5-2023 7:36 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/bologna/cronaca/happy-hand-ai-nastri-di-partenza-linclusivita-e-la-parola-dordine-0e3198a3
«#ClubZero», un’identità nella privazione
Il successo assoluto del fine settimana è stato il video che qualche anonimo regista ha rilanciato su Twitter ottenendo in poche ore oltre due milioni di visualizzazioni. Il contenuto? Una
The post «#ClubZero», un’identità nella privazione first appeared on il manifesto.
"#ClubZero', an identity in deprivation
The absolute hit of #theweekend was the video that some anonymous filmmaker relaunched on Twitter, garnering over two million views in just a few hours. The content? A
The post "#ClubZero", an identity in deprivation first appeared on il manifesto.
23-5-2023 0:3 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/club-zero-unidentita-nella-privazione
Il liceo #Marconi vince la fase regionale delle Olimpiadi di primo soccorso per studenti
#Laprimaedizionesi è tenuta nel fine settimana a Torre de’ Passeri. Ora il #Marconi rappresenterà l’#Abruzzo alla competizione nazionale che si svolgerà a #Roma il 20 maggio
#MarconiHighSchool wins regional phase of #FirstAidOlympiad for students
The #first edition was held over #theweekend in #Torrede'Passeri. Now #Marconi will represent #Abruzzo at the national competition to be held in #Rome on 20 May
2-5-2023 12:4 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/attualita/liceo-marconi-vince-fase-regionale-olimpiadi-primo-soccorso-studenti.html
#marconi #laprimaedizionesi #abruzzo #roma #marconihighschool #firstaidolympiad #first #theweekend #torrede #rome #ilpescara
It’s that point in the week where I’ve recovered enough from last weekend’s debauch to feel good again and excited about the idea of this weekend’s debauch. 🤣
(Though TBH I’ll be suppressing the desire to party and instead feel the pleasant relief of a quiet one after the last couple “happening” weekends)
#TheWeekend Joins #JennaOrtega and #BarryKeoghan in #TreyEdwardShults’ Latest Movie https://www.thewrap.com/the-weeknd-jenna-ortega-barry-keoghan-trey-edward-shults-movie/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#theweekend #jennaortega #barrykeoghan #treyedwardshults
@CraigWeekend ah no way the CraigWeekend account is here now too?
#ladiesandgentlemen #theweekend
Saturday morning in Jackman, Maine. Photo by Susannah Warner.
I’m going to go on a long walk tomorrow morning. #fitnesss #selfcare #TheWeekend
#theweekend #selfcare #fitnesss
Almost to the weekend. 😵💫 Happy Friday everyone, and hope the weekend goes alright.
#friday #fridayfeeling #theweekend #fridayiminlove
The beat switch at 1:18... 🔥
Creepin' by Metro Boomin feat. The Weekend and 21 Savage: https://youtu.be/LOqGYF0oFIg?t=73
#Creepin #MetroBoomin #21Savage #TheWeekend #IDontWannaKnow #MarioWinans #Diddy #BadBoyRecords
#creepin #metroboomin #21savage #theweekend #idontwannaknow #mariowinans #diddy #badboyrecords