When I got on #Usenet shortly thereafter, the Unix Greybeard set never passed up an opportunity to tell us newcomers that the #Fidonet-Usenet bridge allowed the barbarian hordes to overwhelm their Athenian marketplace of ideas:
When I joined #TheWELL in the late 1980s, I was repeatedly assured that the good times were over, and that we would never see their like again:
From @realmmedia : #Undertow #TheWell - Join Lucy and her family in this heart thumping, tense conclusion of their fight for survival in this magical tale. How will this all end? Nowโs the time to find out. This had been a joy ๐
From @realmmedia #Undertow #TheWell : Can Lizzieโs friends find the courage to save her or will Carlow succeed in his plan? An immersive, exciting episode to hear now๐
Can anything good come from disaster or is there more for Lizzie and friends to confront? Join them in @realmmedia #Undertow #TheWell and discover๐
From @realmmedia #Undertow
#TheWell - join Lizzie, Kyle and companion as Royalty is met but the news given is not what they expected. Engaging, mesmeric, thrilling episode
From @realmmedia #Undertow #TheWell - Itโs a race between the hunted and the hunters, as the situation becomes critical for Lizzie, Kyle and companions. Join them now as the danger draws closer ๐
From @realmmedia #DarkTome #TheWell - what were the odds of it not awakening? Join Lizzie and Kyle as their journey continues but threats and danger are not far away in the realm of the fae, especially from Carlow ๐
From @realmmedia #Undertow #TheWell - join Kyle and Lizzie as friendship comes with a price. Can Lizzie conquer her fears? Listen now and find out ๐
What are the predecessors of today\'s #advice communities (e.g., r/relationship_advice on #reddit); were there similar forums on #Usenet, #TheWELL, #FidoNet, #MetaFilter or other platforms? Let me know #online #history
#advice #reddit #usenet #thewell #fidonet #metafilter #online #history
Enjoy from @realmmedia #Undertow #TheWell Pt. 1. Old tapes, a family secret, curiosity and a Well make for a delicious beginning to a new story to immerse yourself in. Looking forward to where this takes us next๐
Greetings, y'all. I am a long-time 'netizen, having started on #TheWell, in the 90s, and then building my first bloggy website in 2003.
I post about Witchy topics and the #Tarot mainly, which I have been reading and teaching for over 50 years. (Yeah, do the math. I am pushing 70).
I wrote a #GratefulDead #cookbook in 1995 (still available ๐)
I've written countless tons of technical corporate stuff, magazine articles, reviews, etc., and am now focusing on the books I want to create.
#thewell #tarot #gratefuldead #cookbook
#arguments #winning #losing #LettingGo #mastodon #hello? #AnyoneHome? #SocialMedia #forgotten #internet #ephemeral #silence #failed #experiments #twitter #MySpace #GooglePlus #AOL #RedRoom #Medium #TheWell
#arguments #winning #losing #lettinggo #mastodon #hello #anyonehome #socialmedia #forgotten #internet #ephemeral #silence #failed #experiments #twitter #myspace #googleplus #aol #redroom #medium #thewell
#EsbenandtheWitch - #TheWell
Today no 80s stuff, instead a brand new hauntingly beautiful single ...
I'm excited, I their upcoming album.
#nowplaying #esbenandthewitch #thewell #noise23 #alternative #rock #goth #pop #music #PJHarvey
There is nothing special about this photo. It's ok. Flat light, pleasant enough but unexciting subject. But I used two bits of kit I had never used before and this year I want to learn to make photos rather than only find them.
#52Frames #YourHobby #LearnSomethingNew #photography #Penpalalozza #TheWell
#thewell #penpalalozza #photography #learnsomethingnew #yourhobby #52frames
โA lot of people donโt know about The WELL. If you talk to a lot of people now, they think [online communities] started with Facebook.โ -Jenna Woodul
โถ๏ธ https://www.communitysignal.com/the-first-chief-community-officer/
#OnlineCommunities #TheWELL #Facebook #SocialMedia #CommunityManagement #CMGR #CommunityManager #CommunitySignal
#onlinecommunities #thewell #facebook #socialmedia #communitymanagement #cmgr #communitymanager #communitysignal